We work with investigators and scholars to catalyze innovation and discovery. We provide support for transdisciplinary collaborations, opportunity identification, team formation and proposal development. Our team is committed to the success of faculty and student research initiatives and increasing the College’s research capacity and competitiveness.


Our research development team is committed to helping CASE researchers. We specialize in proposal development, identification of relevant funding sources, training, and linking researchers to resources.

Proposal Development

Large and Collaborative Proposals

Our team focuses on providing assistance in the development stages of large, interdisciplinary and collaborative proposals. From team formation to management, planning and coordination throughout the proposal development process, we work with principal investigators and teams of researchers to support the creation of competitive proposals.

Individual Researchers and Smaller Proposals

Although our efforts are focused on assisting with the development of collaborative and large proposals, our team is available to help and guide individual researchers and provide them with resources.

Research Resources

Training & Events

We offer workshops for faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students to share knowledge and help cultivate skills that can lead to the development of competitive proposals.

Upcoming Events

Training and event dates will be posted here.

In addition, be sure to check the Office of Research and Economic Development events calendar regularly for seminar and training opportunities.

Contact Us

Research Development Team
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199

Academic Health Center 4, Suite 350
