
Alumni By Graduation Decade

Kaitlyn Testa (2025)
Major Professor: Lorraine Bahrick 
Dissertation: Infant distractability and mother-infant interaction behaviors: Relations with language and cognitive outcomes
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Connecticut

Randi Spiker (2024)
Major Professor: Asia Eaton
Dissertation: Development and validation of the AIBSA: A measure examining attitudes about image-based sexual abuse
Position: Assistant Professor, Psychology & Counseling, Marywood University

Kaityn Contino (2024)
Major Professor: Eliza Nelson 
Dissertation: Manipulation complexity and language development in infancy 
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston University

Eduardo De La Vega Taboada (2024)
Major Professor: Dionne Stephens
Dissertation: Fútbol for Good as a Tool for Preventing Youth Violence in Colombia
Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford Medicine Department of Epidemiology and Population Health

LaTreese Hall (2024)
Major Professor: Shannon Pruden
Dissertation: Parent math talk: Social and cognitive influences
Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, Saint Xavier University

Christopher Clifford (2023)
Major Professor: Leslie Frazier
Co-Major Professor: Timothy Hayes
Dissertation: A comparison and analysis of the relevant features in regression modeling with latent variables using multi-item measures for developmental science
Position: Senior Statistician, School of Medcine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of Community Behavioral Health, University of New Mexico Albuquerque

Ava (Zahra) Nazarimehrvarani (2023)
Major Professor: Leslie Frazier
Dissertation: An examination of the interrelations among emotion regulation, orthorexia nervosa, and disordered eating
Position: Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Corp

Brittany Boyd (2022)
Major Professor: Leslie Frazier
Dissertation: Perceptions and risk: The role of education, body image, partner availability, and condom negotiation on educated Black women's sexual risk-taking behaviors
Position: Assistant Professor, Chicago State University

Claire Helpingstine (2022)
Major Professor: Dionne Stephens
Dissertation: Sex trafficking in India: The role of formal and informal support providers
Position: Post Doctoral Research Associate, Prevent Child Abuse America

Nelcida Garcia (2022)
Major Professor: Shannon Pruden
Dissertation: Understanding the home spatial environment
Position: Program Evaluation Associate, Harlem Children's Zone

Yanet Ruvalcaba (2021)
Major Professor: Asia Eaton
Dissertation: Cyber dating abuse victimization among emerging adult Latina women
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, CDC

Alexa Barton (2021)
Major Professor: Dionne Stephens
Dissertation: Emerging adult college students' perceptions of immigrants: A multisite experimental study
Position: Research Scientist, WestEd

Elizabeth Edgar (2021)
Major Professor: Lorraine Bahrick
Dissertation: Infant & child multisensory attention skills: Methods, measures, & language outcomes
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale 

Ana Lucia Rodriguez (2021)
Major Professor: Dionne Stephens
Dissertation: Adolescent social networks and violence in rural Colombia
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale

John Pablo Currea (2021)
Major Professor: Robert Lickliter
Dissertation: The developmental plasticity of fruit fly vision
Position: Postdoctral Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles

Elsa Bravo (2021)
Major Professor: Dionne Stephens
Dissertation: The development of reward processing and risky behavior in the brain
Position: Coordinator Statistical Research II, FIU 

Vanessa Vieites (2021)
Major Professor: Shannon Pruden
Dissertation: Examining the development of hippocampal-dependent cognition in young children: Neuroimaging and behavioral approaches
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers

Michelle Ramos (2021)
Major Professor: Erica Musser
Dissertation: The development of reward processing and risky behavior in the brain
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Penn State

Emily Boeving (2020)
Major Professor: Eliza Nelson
Co-Major Professor: Robert Lickliter
Dissertation: Social processes through the lens of network science in spider monkeys
Position: Lecturer, University of Central Arkansas and Adjunct Lecturer, Florida International University

Dea Garic (2020)
Major Professor: Anthony Dick
Dissertation: Development of Prefrontal Structure and Connectivity in Typical Children and Children with ADHD: Association with Language and Executive Function
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill