Robert Lickliter
Office: DM 294
Phone: 305-348-3441
Email: licklite@fiu.edu
Specialty: Psychobiology; Perceptual Development; Social Development
Lickliter received a BS and MS in Human Development and the PhD in Animal Behavior from the University of California, Davis. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship with Gilbert Gottlieb in the Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Greensboro and joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech in 1986, advancing to full professor in 1996. He has been at Florida International University since 2001, where he is currently a member of the Developmental Science and Cognitive Neuroscience graduate programs and Chair of the University Animal Care and Use Committee.
- Senior Investigator Award, International Society for Developmental Psychobiology
- College of Arts, Science, and Education Service Award, Florida International University
- Excellence in Research Award, Faculty Senate, Florida International University
- Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
- Excellence in Faculty Scholarship ("Top Scholar"), Florida International University (2008)
- Fellow, American Psychological Association Division 6 (Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology)
- Frank Beach Comparative Psychology Award - Division 6, American Psychological Association
Research Areas
Development of intersensory perception in animal and human infants, with a focus on the role of selective attention in perceptual processing, learning, and memory; the influence of prenatal sensory stimulation on behavioral development, particularly the prenatal origins of infant perceptual and social biases and predispositions; the effects of hormones of maternal origin on perceptual and social development. Theoretical efforts address the assumptive base of the nature-nurture debate, the role of experience in development, the origins of phenotypic variation, psychobiological systems theory, the relations between developmental and evolutionary theory, and the history of developmental thinking in biology and psychology.