Competitive Events

Competitive events at the FEA Regional Conference offer a platform for aspiring educators to showcase their passion, skills, and leadership in the field of education.

Competitive events fall into two categories: individual and chapter competitions and are open to high school students ONLY.

The FIU Office of Scholarships is proud to offer, once again, the FEA Gold and Blue Scholarship valued at $10,000 ($2,500 per year) to the first-place winners of the FEA individual competitions.*

*Students must be a citizen of the United States, a U.S. lawful permanent resident, an international student with an F-1 visa, or an eligible non-citizen to receive this scholarship. This scholarship represents the minimum scholarship offer you will receive from FIU and cannot be combined with other merit scholarships offered by FIU.

Registration Details:

Registration for the 2024 FEA competitions opens on October 21 and closes on November 1. Participation in these events is by invitation only, requiring registration through the sponsoring teacher. The Online Competition Entry Form link will be emailed directly to sponsoring teachers.

Before registering, please review the General Competition Guidelines for rules and additional details.

Key Points to Note:

  • Registration for all competitive events must be completed by the FEA sponsoring teacher.
  • Competitors' names and email addresses are mandatory for registration.
  • All competitors must also register to attend the conference via Eventbrite website. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  • Entries for individual and chapter events are limited as per the competition guidelines and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Individual competitors may register for one competition only.
  • For group competitions, chapters may choose between the Ethical Dilemma or Researching Learning Challenges.
  • Competitors must report to their assigned competition room promptly to avoid disqualification.
  • We highly encourage participation in the Chapter Display Competition to showcase your FEA chapter and school.


Individual Competitions

  • Job Interview

    The Job Interview Competition offers FEA members a unique chance to hone their interview skills and improve their cover letter and résumé writing abilities. In this event, participants will apply for a paraprofessional position, with the position description provided below.

    Competition Requirements

    Participants must:

    • Submit a cover letter detailing their qualifications for the position.
    • Provide a résumé that outlines relevant work, and volunteer and educational experiences.

    The cover letter should:

    • Complement, not duplicate, the résumé.
    • Explain the entrant’s interest in the position and the school.
    • Highlight the most relevant skills or experiences.
    • Show a high level of enthusiasm and understanding of the position.

    Evaluation Process

    Judges will:

    1. Review the cover letters and résumés.
    2. Conduct on-site interviews at the FEA Regional Conference at FIU, simulating a real-world hiring process.

    Judges will act as a school district’s hiring committee and will interview candidates one at a time. Given that high school graduates can often be employed as paraprofessionals, this competition provides a valuable, real-world application of the skills participants develop.

    Participation Details

    • This is an individual competition.
    • Only one entry per chapter will be accepted. Each chapter must select one student to represent them.
    • A maximum of twelve (12) entries will be accepted, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Job Interview competition.

  • Public Speaking

    Self-composure, confidence and the ability to clearly articulate and communicate information are essential skills for all educators. The Public Speaking Competition aims to showcase students who exemplify these qualities through thoughtful preparation and confident delivery in an engaging presentation on a current education topic.

    Participants will compose and deliver a speech of approximately 400 to 600 words (three to five minutes when spoken aloud) on the assigned topic. Competitors will present their speeches in front of a panel of on-site judges.

    Participation Details

    • This is an individual competition.
    • Only one entry per chapter will be accepted. Each chapter must select one student to represent them.
    • A maximum of twelve (12) entries will be accepted, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Public Speaking competition.

  • Spotlight on Education

    The Spotlight on Education Competition offers students a unique opportunity to engage with highly skilled educational professionals who specialize outside the core subjects. The competition aims to highlight the invaluable contributions of instructional-support specialists in shaping students' lives. These specialists encompass a diverse range of roles, including:

    • Special Education Teacher
    • Speech Pathologist
    • School Psychologist
    • Occupational Therapist
    • School Administrator
    • School Counselor
    • School Social Worker
    • Librarian
    • Non-core Subject Teacher
    • Curriculum Specialist

    Participants will select one specialized instructional support specialist to shadow and interview. Each student will obtain permission to shadow the professional for a total of four hours, which can be accumulated over several days or weeks to observe the specialist in their active work environment.

    Competitors are required to complete and submit two career exploration documents by the deadline:

    Students participating in this competition will create a tri-fold poster display showcasing their research on the chosen profession and detailing their insights gathered from the job shadowing and interview experiences. Poster sessions, like those held at professional conferences, will allow judges and fellow participants to review these displays during breakout sessions I and II. Each competitor must be present at their poster to discuss their findings and answer questions.

    Participation Details

    • This is an individual competition.
    • Up to two entries per chapter will be accepted. Each chapter must select one or two students to represent them.
    • A maximum of twenty-four (24) entries will be accepted, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Spotlight on Education competition.

  • Creative Writing and Illustration

    The Creative Writing and Illustration Competition aims to celebrate originality in writing and illustration and underscore the importance of clear and engaging informative writing to increase the understanding of the reader about a certain topic.

    Participants will craft an informational book tailored for young learners in grades K-5 (ages 5-11), focusing on either a science or social studies topic of their choice. Some suggested topics include:


    Plants and Plant GrowthGeography of Asia
    Animals and their NeedsGeography of Africa 
    The Human BodyGeography of North America
    Seasons and WeatherGeography of Europe
    Taking Care of the EarthGeography of Antarctica
    EarthGeography of Australia
    Living Things and their EnvironmentGeography of South America
    HabitatsGeography of Continental United States
    Oceans and Underwater LifeGeography of Alaska
    Environmental Change and Habitat DestructionGeography of Hawaii
    MatterNative Americans, Past and Present
    ElectricityEarly Exploration
    Life CyclesSymbols and Figures of Democracy
    Water Cycle


    During breakout sessions I and II at the conference, participants will showcase their books alongside detailed illustrations. Authors are required to stand beside their creations and will have the opportunity to engage with on-site judges, discussing their creative process and answering questions.

    Participation Details

    • This is an individual competition. Books can be authored by only one
    • Up to two entries per chapter will be accepted. Each chapter must select one or two students to represent them.
    • A maximum of twenty-four (24) entries will be accepted, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Creative Writing and Illustration competition.

  • Leadership in Education

    The Leadership in Education Competition invites passionate and proactive FEA members to make a significant impact in their communities through exemplary leadership and dedication to enhancing education. Participants are challenged to develop and execute a self-initiated service-learning project that meets the following criteria:

    • Benefit Individuals with Special Needs: The project must positively impact individuals with special needs, demonstrating the participant's commitment to inclusivity and support for all community members.
    • Independent of Required Curriculum: The project should be entirely separate from any mandatory course curriculum, ensuring it is an additional effort driven by the participant's initiative.
    • Minimum of 20 Hours of Work: The project requires a substantial commitment, with a minimum of 20 hours dedicated to its planning, execution, and evaluation.
    • Single Leader: While collaboration is encouraged, each project must be led by a single FEA member. Only the individual leading the project will be eligible for the FEA scholarship.

    Competitors must submit a detailed project portfolio and present their work to a panel of judges at the FEA Regional Conference at FIU. This presentation will be a critical component of the competition, showcasing the participants’ leadership skills, project impact, and dedication to improving education in their community.

    Participation Details

    • This is an individual competition.
    • Only one entry per chapter will be accepted. Each chapter must select one student to represent them.
    • A maximum of twelve (12) entries will be accepted, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Leadership in Education competition.

Chapter Competitions

  • Ethical Dilemma

    This competition challenges chapters to engage in an ethical debate centered around an educational dilemma. Participants will delve into an ethical issue, applying critical-thinking skills and persuasive communication to collaboratively explore and debate their stance.

    Each chapter member begins by thoroughly examining the ethical issue and forming an individual position. Subsequently, members engage in a structured debate, actively listening to diverse viewpoints within the chapter. The goal is to collectively reach a consensus on the topic, culminating in a 10-minute presentation that articulates the chapter's unified perspective.

    Teams must collaborate closely to develop the presentation, selecting between four to eight students to present their stance and the process behind it to a panel of judges.

    Participation Details

    • This is a chapter competition.
    • Only one entry per chapter will be accepted.
    • A maximum of four (4) entries will be accepted, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Ethical Dilemma competition.

  • Researching Learning Challenges

    This competition focuses on disabilities outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Participants will delve deeply into one specific disability selected for this year's competition, aiming to craft insightful recommendations for effective educational support systems.

    Students are encouraged to engage in comprehensive research utilizing both traditional and primary sources. This includes conducting interviews with individuals affected by the chosen disability and professionals in relevant fields. Teams will collaboratively analyze their findings to develop a cohesive set of recommendations.

    Each chapter must collaboratively prepare an 8-10-minute presentation supported by thorough research. Subsequently, they will nominate two to four students to deliver their findings and propose best practices to a panel of judges onsite.

    Participation Details

    • This is a chapter competition.
    • Only one entry per chapter will be accepted.
    • A maximum of four (4) entries will be accepted, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Researching Learning Challenges competition.

  • Chapter Display

    In this competition, high school chapters participating in the FEA Regional Conference at FIU will showcase their chapter’s mission, activities, and dedication to education through creative displays.

    Each chapter is invited to craft a compelling exhibit that not only highlights their unique initiatives but also aligns with this year's conference theme, "Lights, Camera, Teach!"

    Entries will be prominently featured during breakout sessions on conference day. Chapter members do not need to stand beside their creations during the exhibition.

    We look forward to seeing your chapter's creativity and passion shine through!

    Participation Details

    • This is a chapter competition.
    • Only one entry per chapter will be accepted.

    Click here to download the guidelines for the 2024 Chapter Display competition.