2024 FEA Regional Conference 

Join us for the 11th Annual Future Educators of America Regional Conference at FIU, taking place on the FIU main campus on Friday, November 22, from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

As an FEA member attending the conference, you will:

  • Engage with education leaders and gain insights from their experiences.
  • Discover best practices and the latest research in teaching and learning.
  • Explore educational and career opportunities within the field of education.
  • Contribute to building our community of future educators.

What to Expect:

Competitive Events: Challenge yourself and showcase your skills.

Breakout Sessions: Customize your experience by choosing from various dynamic and interactive sessions.

Campus Tour: Limited spots available starting at 1:30 PM upon request, until capacity is reached.


Opens: September 30, 2024

Cost: Free of charge

Sponsored by: FIU's College of Arts, Sciences, and Education

To register, please visit our Eventbrite page.

For more details, please visit our FAQ page.

Special Note for Sponsoring Teachers:

If your school has never attended the FEA Regional Conference at FIU, sponsoring teachers should email us at feaconference@fiu.edu to add your school’s name to the registration form.


Feel free to email us at feaconference@fiu.edu  We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 FEA Regional Conference!