Our Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies provides students with a strong background in the natural sciences as preparation for technical work in the environmental field.
This program is particularly strong in its chemistry and biology requirements, and many students minor in one of these. Students are also required to take courses in environmental economics, policy and ethics.
Agricultural Sciences
This major prepares students interested in careers pertaining to food production, agricultural sciences and related natural resource management including soils, land, water and agroecological resources in government agencies, agricultural research organizations or private industries. Majors benefit from the resources of the Agroecology Program which integrates science-based education, research and outreach.
Natural Resources Sciences
This major is ideal for students interested in careers related to natural resources conservation, ecosystem restoration, environmental pollution management, and nonrenewable and renewable energy resources. Students take lower-division courses in biological sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics and statistics, then delve into upper-level studies in environmental sciences, ecology, environmental economics, policy, earth and energy resources, water resources and biological resources.
Combined BS/MS in Environmental Studies Pathway
This pathway allows qualified students to earn the Bachelor of Science and a non-thesis MS in Environmental Studies at an accelerated pace. Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for requirements.
Need an Advisor?
Advisors will support you on your academic journey, helping you enroll in courses, meet your graduation requirements and prepare for your career.
College to Career
- Agronomy
- Entomology
- Botany
- Organic farm management
- Soil science
- Meteorology
- Geosciences
- Environmental studies
Undergraduate Director
Rodolfo J. Rego
Teaching Professor
AHC5 384
Contact Us
Department of Earth and Environment
11200 SW 8th Street, AHC5 360
Miami, FL 33199
Tel: 305-348-1930
Tel: 305-348-2365