Florida Department of Education Personnel Evaluation Scores

These data come from an evaluation form that is completed by the school principals where the unit's/EPP's completers are employed. The evaluations are completed every year for both in-field and out-of-field completers, and the data provide an indication of the effectiveness of our completers. The data that we receive cover one-, two-, and three-year periods post-graduation for those completers working in a public or charter school in the state of Florida. The sample size is larger than that of VAM data, because all teachers (regardless of grade level or subject matter) receive a Personnel Evaluation Score. These data are analyzed to determine if there is stability of measurement from year to year.

FDOE Personnel Evaluation Code Definitions are listed below:


Code Definition


The instructional staff member or school administrator was determined to be highly effective on his or her evaluation.


The instructional staff member or school administrator was determined to be effective on his or her evaluation.


The instructional staff member or school administrator was determined to need improvement on his or her evaluation.


The instructional staff member in the first three years of employment needs improvement and was determined to be developing on his or her evaluation.


The instructional staff member or school administrator was determined to be unsatisfactory on his or her evaluation.


The instructional staff member or school administrator was not evaluated.


The staff member is not an instructional staff member or a school administrator.

By Florida statute, evaluation data for the previous academic year are made available to the institution each December and updated during the following Spring semester.

Yearly FDOE Personnel Evaluation Scores

Please note 2019-2020 evaluations were cancelled by the Florida Governors Emergency Order due to the COVID Pandemic. Personnel evaluation data will not be available for the 2019-2020 academic year.