FIU and Plagiarism

The School of Education and Human Development at FIU will not tolerate plagiarism. Each instructor will discuss the forms of plagiarism in class. Students are responsible for making sure they have a clear understanding of the definition of plagiarism. All students will sign an Academic Misconduct Agreement stating that they have read and understood FIU's Statement on Academic Misconduct.

Please refer to the Student Conduct and Honor Code in Academic Integrity.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is defined as any act or omission by a Student, which violates the concept of academic integrity and undermines the academic mission of the University in violation of the Code.

Academic Misconduct Violations

  • Academic Dishonesty

    Academic Dishonesty: In general, by any act or omission not specifically mentioned in the Code and which is outside the customary scope of preparing and completing academic assignments and/or contrary to the above stated policies concerning academic integrity.

  • Bribery

    Bribery: The offering of money or any item or service to a member of the faculty, staff, administration, Student or any other person in order to commit academic misconduct. 

  • Cheating


    1. The unauthorized use of any materials, information, study aids or assistance from another person on any academic assignment or exercise, unless explicitly authorized by the course Instructor.
    2. Assisting another Student in the unauthorized use of any materials, information, study aids, unless explicitly authorized by the Instructor.
    3. Having a substitute complete any academic assignment or completing an academic assignment for someone else, either paid or unpaid.
  • Commercial Use

    Commercial Use: The selling of course material to another person, Student, and/or uploading course material to a third-party vendor without authorization or without the express written permission of the University and the Instructor. Course materials include but are not limited to class notes, Instructor’s PowerPoints, tests, quizzes, labs, instruction sheets, homework, study guides and handouts.

  • Complicity

    Complicity: The planning or acting with one or more fellow Students, any member of the faculty, staff or administration, or any other person to commit any form of academic misconduct together.

  • Falsification of Records

    Falsification of Records: The tampering with or altering in any way of any academic record used or maintained by the University.

  • Plagiarism


    1. The deliberate use and appropriation of another's work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the Student's own.
    2. Assisting another Student in the deliberate use and appropriation of another’s work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the student’s own.

Academic Misconduct Procedures

Academic Misconduct Procedures are outlined on the Academic Integrity website.

Questions related to the process should be directed to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity at or 305-348-3939.


Sanctions may be imposed upon any Charged Student or Student Organization found to have violated the Code. Students who are found “Responsible” for Academic Misconduct violations under the Code are prohibited from using the Grade Forgiveness Policy for the course in which the Academic Misconduct occurred.

Upon receipt of notification of allegations of Academic Misconduct, a Student can choose to withdraw from the course in question, in accordance with the University policies related to course withdrawal. Students who withdraw from a course will have their ability to register for future semesters temporarily placed on hold until the SCAI Director or designee is assured that the Student is satisfactorily responding to the charges. Students who are found “Responsible” of Academic Misconduct in a course from which they have withdrawn are still eligible to receive the appropriate sanctions (as listed in the Code Section 15) based on the case and may be reinstated to the course from which they have withdrawn.

In addition to the Course Sanctions and selected University Sanctions below, additional University Sanctions, Student Organization Sanctions and Housing Sanctions exist to address different types of violations. Review sanctions in the Student Conduct and Honor Code.

Questions related to the process should be directed to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity at or 305-348-3939.

Course Sanctions

  • Grade Penalty on the Assignment/Exam/Project with Resubmission

    Grade Penalty on the Assignment/Exam/Project with Resubmission: A point/grade reduction on the assignment/assessment in question, and with the permission of the Faculty member, an opportunity to resubmit the assignment/ assessment with the addition of the implemented point/grade reduction.

  • Grade Penalty on the Assignment/Exam/Project:

    Grade Penalty on the Assignment/Exam/Project: A point/grade reduction on the assignment/assessment in question.

  • Overall Course Grade Penalty with Drop

    Overall Course Grade Penalty with Drop: Receive a decrease in overall grade or an F for the entire course. However, the Student will be permitted to drop or withdraw the course with approval from the SCAI Director or designee. Requests for drop consideration must be submitted in writing with rationale to the SCAI Director or designee, where the final approval rests and is not eligible for independent appeal outside of the formal conduct appeal process.

  • Overall Course Grade Penalty

    Overall Course Grade Penalty: Receive a decrease in overall grade or an F for the course. A point/grade reduction for the entire course. There will be no ability to drop or withdraw from the course for any reason.

Selected University Sanctions

Additional University Sanctions are listed in the Student Conduct and Honor Code.

  • Written Reprimand

    Written Reprimand: the University takes official notice that such actions are inappropriate and not in accordance with our community standards.

  • Educational Activities

    Educational Activities: attendance at in-person and/or online educational program(s)/workshop(s); interview(s) with appropriate officials; written research assignments; behavior reflection papers; planning and implementing educational program(s); or other educational activities.

  • Counseling Screening/Consultation

    Counseling Screening/Consultation: referral for screening and/or consultation with the University Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) (or a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist if the Charged Student is no longer enrolled when sanctioned or is seeking readmission) for alcohol/drug dependence, anger management, general mental health or other counseling issues. Charged Student must follow through with recommendations made by CAPS or the licensed psychologist/psychiatrist, as applicable. The Charged Student must permit the consulting professional to provide official documentation on letterhead verifying attendance and to share the recommendations with SCAI.

  • Restitution

    Restitution: requirement to reimburse the University or person for damage to or misappropriation of property owned or in possession of the University or other persons. Any such payment on restitution will be limited to actual cost of repair or replacement.

  • Restrictions/Loss of Privileges

    Restrictions/Loss of Privileges: restrictions or loss of privileges which may be imposed upon a Charged Student for a specified amount of time, including but not limited to, participation in Student activities, University or Student events, representation of the University on athletic teams or in leadership positions, presence at University residence halls or other buildings/areas of campus, participation as a peer advisor, resident assistant or elected/appointed Student leader in Student Government or other Student Organizations, and/or participation in study abroad or alternative break programs. Additional restrictions on University privileges and/or activities may be imposed on the Charged Student based on their current or potential future activities.

  • Conduct Probation

    Conduct Probation: a temporary interruption of the Student’s status with the University. A Charged Student who is on conduct probation is considered not in good standing with the University, resulting in applicable restrictions on privileges and/or activities which may include, but are not limited to, being prohibited from participating in study abroad or alternative break, or serving as a peer advisor, resident assistant or elected/appointed Student leader in Student Government or other Student Organizations. Additional restrictions on University privileges and/or activities may be imposed on the Charged Student based on their current or potential future activities. The conduct probation period is a time for the Charged Student to reflect on their behavior and demonstrate that he/she can once again be a responsible Member of the University community. While on conduct probation, further violations of the Code or other University Policies may result in suspension or expulsion.

  • Deferred Suspension

    Deferred Suspension: period of time in which suspension is temporarily withheld or withheld pending completion of other sanctions by a specified deadline date. A Charged Student who is on deferred suspension is considered not in good standing with the University, resulting in applicable restrictions on privileges and/or activities which may include, but are not limited to, being prohibited from participating in study abroad or alternative break, or serving as a peer advisor, resident assistant or elected/appointed Student leader in Student Government or other Student Organizations. Additional restrictions on University privileges and/or activities may be imposed on the Charged Student based on their current or potential future activities. If the Charged Student fails to fulfill the sanctions described in the decision letter (including failure to timely fulfill the sanction), the Charged Student will no longer be considered on deferred suspension but will be automatically suspended with no further appeal. While on deferred suspension, further violations of the Code or other University Policies may result in suspension or expulsion.

  • Suspension

    Suspension: separation from the University for a specified period of time. A Charged Student is considered not in good standing with the University while suspended. The Charged Student may not attend classes (either in person or online) and is banned from being on or in any University Premises or On-Campus Housing. The suspended Charged Student is also banned from participation in any University-sponsored/related event or activity and their FIU OneCard will be deactivated. This sanction is recorded on the Charged Student’s academic transcript during the period of suspension. A Charged Student who is suspended from the University is not eligible for tuition and/or registration fee reimbursement except as provided by University Policies. The Charged Student will be administratively withdrawn from courses and will lose respective credit hours.

  • Expulsion

    Expulsion: permanent separation from the University with no possibility of readmission. This sanction is recorded on the Charged Student’s academic transcript permanently. A Charged Student is considered not in good standing with the University after being expelled. The Charged Student may not attend classes (either in person or online) and is banned from being on or in any University Premises or On-Campus Housing. The expelled Charged Student is also banned from participation in any University-sponsored/related activity or event and their FIU OneCard will be deactivated. A Charged Student who is expelled from the University is not eligible for tuition nor registration fee reimbursement except as provided by University Policy. The Charged Student will be administratively withdrawn from courses and will lose respective credit hours.