Our Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences with a major in Mathematics emphasizes a deeper study of the field as well as its applications, preparing students for a career or graduate study.
Several tracks of the Mathematics Major are available to students interested in combining a mathematics background with knowledge of another field.
The Comprehensive Track is the traditional bachelor's degree in mathematics offers students the possibility of learning rigorously and deeply the fundamental ideas and concepts of modern mathematics. This track is mainly designed for students intending to pursue graduate studies in mathematics or graduate schools leading to careers in academia or engineering. Graduates can also enter the workforce in fields where analytical skills are needed such as jobs in statistics, actuarial sciences, finance, biotech or mathematics education.
Mathematical Data Science (New)
The Mathematical Data Science Track provides an opportunity to undergraduate mathematics students interested in the inter-disciplinary field of Data Science. This major provides a strong mathematical foundation with an additional emphasis on computer programming skills such as R and Python. Courses needed for this track include offerings from Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. A culminating experience, or Capstone project, in Data Science is also required.

Applied Mathematics
The Applied Mathematics Track is less foundational and more application-oriented than the Comprehensive Track. This track will prepare students for graduate studies in applied mathematics or engineering. Graduates can also enter the workforce in fields where analytical skills are needed, such as jobs in finance, biotech and industry.
The Biology Track gives an opportunity to undergraduate mathematics students interested in biology to be exposed to the interplay between the two disciplines. It also provides a firm mathematical foundation necessary for graduate studies in the life sciences. Courses for this track include mathematics, statistics and biology.
The Business Track gives an opportunity to undergraduate mathematics students interested in business and finance to be exposed to the interplay between mathematics and these two disciplines. It also provides a firm mathematical foundation necessary for graduate studies in finance. Courses needed for this track include mathematics, statistics, economics and business.
The Chemistry Track gives an opportunity to undergraduate mathematics students interested in chemistry to be exposed to the interplay between two disciplines. It also provides a firm mathematical foundation necessary for graduate studies in chemistry and the life sciences. Courses needed for this track include offerings from mathematics, statistics and chemistry.
Computer Science
Computer Science Track gives an opportunity to undergraduate mathematics students interested in computer science to be exposed to the interplay between the two disciplines. It also provides a firm mathematical foundation necessary for graduate studies in computer science. Courses needed for this track include offerings from mathematics, statistics and programming.
The Economics Track gives an opportunity to undergraduate mathematics students interested in economics to be exposed to the interplay between two disciplines. It also provides a firm mathematical foundation necessary for graduate studies in economics or finance. Courses needed for this track include mathematics, statistics and economics.
The Physics Track gives an opportunity for undergraduate mathematics students interested in physics to be exposed to the interplay between the two disciplines. It also provides a firm mathematical foundation needed for graduate studies in the physical sciences. Courses needed for this track include offerings from mathematics, statistics and physics.
Combined BS/MS in Mathematical Sciences Pathway
This pathway allows students to earn the Bachelor of Science and an MS in Mathematical Sciences at an accelerated pace. Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for requirements.
Need an Advisor?
Advisors will support you on your academic journey, helping you enroll in courses, meet your graduation requirements and prepare for your career.
College to Career
- Actuary
- Applied mathematician
- Pure mathematician
- Secondary school teacher
- Statistician
Program Director
John Zweibel
Associate Professor; Mathematics Undergraduate Advisor
DM 428
Contact Us
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
11200 SW 8th Street, DM 430
Miami, FL 33199
Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM, Monday - Friday
Main Tel: 305-348-3769
Math Tel: 305-348-2743
Stats Tel: 305-348-2745
Fax: 305-348-6158