Our Bachelor of Science Degree in Geosciences prepares students for careers and graduate study in geological, hydrological, geoinformatics and atmospheric science fields, and is founded on a background in physical sciences.
Geological Sciences
This track encompasses the study of the history, structure and composition of the Earth, mineral and water resources, natural disasters and environmental concerns. It prepares students for careers in professional geology.
Atmospheric Sciences
This track adds meteorological and climatological dimensions to the basic background across the earth sciences. Students who complete this track meet undergraduate coursework requirements for professional certification by the American Meteorological Society.
The Geoinformatics major is designed to provide mastery in geospatial data acquisition, analysis, modeling, and computational techniques and includes techniques such as cartography, computer modeling, geodesy, geophysics, global navigation systems, remote sensing and spatial analysis. It prepares students to gain professional credentials such as GISP Certified GIS Professional certification.

Combined BS/MS in Geosciences Pathway
This pathway allows qualified students to earn the Bachelor of Science and a non-thesis MS in Geosciences at an accelerated pace. Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for requirements.
Need an Advisor?
Advisors will support you on your academic journey, helping you enroll in courses, meet your graduation requirements and prepare for your career.
College to Career
Geological Sciences:
- Florida licensed professional geologist
- Geologist in private consulting and resource industries
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyist
- Remote Sensing Analyist
- GISP Certified GIS Professional certification
Atmospheric Sciences:
- Graduate studies
- Meteorologist in government or industry
Undergraduate Director
Rodolfo J. Rego
Teaching Professor
AHC5 384
Contact Us
Department of Earth and Environment
11200 SW 8th Street, AHC5 360
Miami, FL 33199
Tel: 305-348-1930
Tel: 305-348-2365