Industrial-Organizational psychology is the scientific study of human behavior at work and the application of science to workplace issues facing individuals, teams, and organizations. I-O psychologists work in many areas that contribute to organizations' success and effectiveness. As an I-O psychologist, you can expect to find employment opportunities in areas such as organizational development, human resources, training and development, and testing, to name a few.
This program was designed for students who plan to join the workforce after graduating. It is not intended for students who plan to pursue a PhD in Psychology: Industrial-Organizational Psychology.
For more information, consult our Frequently Asked Questions and the Graduate Catalog.
Cohort Schedule
View course descriptions below.
Fall (1)

Fall (2)
Commencement: December of Fall (2)
INP 5095 Proseminar in Industrial Psychology (3)
Provides coverage of industrial and personnel psychology topics such as job analysis, personnel recruitment and selection, legal aspects of employment, performance appraisal, and training design and evaluation. Prerequisites: Acceptance to
INP 6005 Strategies and Methods of Applied Psychological Research (3)
A practicum course in the psychological research strategies and the application of computers in the analyses of psychological data.
INP 6090 Applied Psychology and Organizational Consulting (3)
An overview of the organizational consulting process, including proposal development, managing projects
INP 6115 Psychology of Culture and Organizations (3)
An overview of theory and research examining the psycho-social environment of organizations, including the factors that shape organizational cultures and climate, along with the implications for workplace motivation, morale, and productivity. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
INP 6216 Personnel Selection (3)
Characteristics of Personnel Selection systems used in organizations. Validity generalization, utility, applicant reactions, and legal cases pertaining to employee selection. Prerequisites: Proseminar in I/O and graduate level statistics course.
INP 6235 Applied Psychology of Training and Development (3)
In-depth study of principles of behavior and attitude change in organizations. Topics include organization analysis, program design and implementation, and evaluation of results. Prerequisites: Acceptance to MS or PhD program in Psychology and SOP 5616.
INP 6611 Organizational Stress (3)
This seminar examines conceptualizations, causes, consequences, and correlates of stress, strain, and coping in the workplace.
INP 6990 - Internship in Organizational Science (6)Under the supervision of an instructor in the graduate degree program, the graduate student delves individually into a topic of mutual interest that requires intensive and profound analysis, and which is not available in a formal offering. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Note: experiences may include job shadowing and group projects.
PSY 5939 Special Topics in Psychology - Quantitative Methods in Psychology (3)
Special topics will be announced in advance.
SOP 5058 Proseminar in Social Psychology (3)
An in-depth examination of the role of social psychology in the social sciences and the major substantive problems as they relate to contemporary societal issues. Minimum Prerequisites: An introductory course in social psychology or its equivalent.
SOP 5616 Social Psychology of Organizations (3)
The application of concepts and theories from social psychology and sociology to the organizational setting. Emphasis will be on role theory, value formation and the operation of norms, including their development and enforcement. Formal and informal organization structure, power and authority concepts, and leadership theories will be covered. Communication processes and networks and their effects on task accomplishment and satisfaction will be included.
Our students are placed in internships, typically within Human Resources of local organizations. Our student interns have successfully partnered at organizations such as Jack & Jill Education Center, City of Coral Gables and Hotwire Communications.
If you or your organization is interested in creating a partnership, please contact