Upcoming Sessions
We host seminars and colloquia featuring experts from FIU and beyond and covering various disciplines in mathematics and statistics.
Upcoming colloquia will be posted in the session archive.
The department colloquia showcases all aspects of mathematics with a primary focus on differential equations. For more information view the calendar archive.
- Organizer: Yanqiu Guo (Math) and Sneh Gulati (Statistics)
- Typically Thursday's at 3:45 PM in DM 409A and Zoom
Spring 2025 schedule:
- Feb 6, Erika Hausenblas, Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria). (Host: Hakima Bessaih)
- Feb 13
- Feb 20, Zhisheng Shuai, University of Central Florida (Host: Yanqiu Guo)
- Feb 27, Spring Break
- March 6
- March 13, To be announced (Host: Lotfi Hermi)
- March 20, Sergei Avdonin, University of Alaska Fairbanks (Host: Julian Edward)
- March 27, Kais Ammari, University of Monastir Tunisia (Host: Louis Tebou and Hakima Bessaih)
- April 3, Yifei Lou, UNC at Chapel Hill (Host: Yuanchang Sun)
- April 10
- April 17, Chunmei Wang, University of Florida (Host: Kai Huang)
Geometry and Topology Seminar
Geometry and Topology seminars incorporate topics in Geometry and Topology as well as connections with various other disciplines and areas. For more information view the calendar archive.
- Organizer: Gueo Grantcharov
- Typically Thursday's at 2:00 PM in DM 409A
- 3/14/2025, Dr. Philippe Rukimbira, FIU
- 3/21/2025, Kyoung-Seog Lee, POSTECH, Korea
- 3/28/2025, Luca Fabrizio Di Cerbo, University of Florida
Math Education Seminar
Visit the Math Education Seminar page for upcoming and past events. For more information view the external seminar tracker.
- Organizer: Jerry Hower and Philippe Rukimbira
- Thursday's at 2:30 PM on Zoom
- Zoom Link
Spring 2025 Schedule
- 1/23/2025, Dr. Walter Carballosa Torres, FIU
- 2/13/2025, Dr. Ruthmae Sears, University of South Florida
- 3/06/2025, Dr. Katya Yurasovskaya, Seattle University
- 3/24/2025, Dr. Matt Boelkins, Grand Valley State University
- 4/17/2025, Dr. Shemail Fatima, FIU
Graduate Student Seminar
Graduate Student Seminar is a weekly seminar focusing on graduate student research and professional development. For more information view the calendar archive.
- Organizer: Alex David Rodriguez
- Tuesday's at 3:30 PM
Spring 2025 Schedule
- 1/14/2025, Diana Son
- 1/21/2025, Jose Medel
- 1/28/2025, Chandler Haight
- 2/04/2025, Emma Sandidge
- 2/18/2025, Francisco Reyes
- 3/04/2025, Jonathan Schratter
- 3/11/2025, Justin Wisby
Contact Us
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
11200 SW 8th Street, DM 430
Miami, FL 33199
Hours: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Main Tel: 305-348-3769
Math Tel: 305-348-2743
Stats Tel: 305-348-2745
Fax: 305-348-6158