Authored on Apr 3, 2023

Professor. Meziani is the first faculty at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics who received the Fulbright grant in support of the project "Linear Partial Differential Equations with Degeneracies". The goal of the project is three-fold:
- To initiate a long-term collaboration with junior researchers in Algeria, and build bridges between Algerian mathematicians and the US ones (in particular, at FIU).
- To offer educational activities, such as a graduate course on the above subject of Differential Equations.
- Engage in joint fundamental research in the area of Mathematics, which studies Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with degeneracies.
Many physical phenomena can be modeled by PDEs with degeneracies. For example, the study of deformation of surfaces with changing curvature may lead to the models with degeneracies (in this case, a degeneracy is located at the points, where the type of an equation changes). Other physical applications include the famous Schrödinger equation with a singular potential.