Water Reuse at BBC

At our Biscayne Bay Campus, FIU reuses treated graywater to irrigate the grounds. Currently, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department maintains a water reuse distribution line to BBC with a capacity of 1.5 million gallons per day.

The county is currently performing a reclaimed water feasibility study in addition to continued implementation of existing reuse projects and commitments to expand its water reuse program.

Read FIU's EPA-winning Campus RainWorks proposal: Adapting for a Resilient Campus

Rainwater Irrigation at MMC

Retention ponds capture rainwater and run-off that is used for irrigation on FIU's Modesto A. Maidique Campus. All irrigation systems are equipped with flow meters to measure water usage and rain sensors to ensure pumps only activate when needed.

Read more in FIU's AASHE STARS Report

Landscaping at FIU

FIU Facilities Management oversees landscaping and irrigation operations on all FIU campuses. They strategically use plants on our campuses that limit water use, as per the university's Landscape and Irrigation Manual, which is available online. This includes drought-tolerant plants as well as native plants, which require less maintenance and minimize the need for fertilizers and pesticides. 

Per the Conservation Element in the campus master plan, FIU’s goal is not to use any potable water to irrigate campus grounds. Instead, the university reuses water for irrigation. 

Read more in the FIU Landscape and Irrigation Manual