Martha Pelaez
Counseling, Recreation and School Psychology
Office: ZEB 242B
Phone: 305-348-2090
Email: pelaeznm@fiu.edu
Specialty: School Psychology, Educational Psychology
Martha Pelaez is a Frost Professor at the School of Education and Human Development, Florida International University. She received her PhD in 1992 in Developmental Psychology, winning the International Dissertation Award from the International Society for Infant Studies for her research on "Infant learning to reference maternal emotional expressions." After completing a postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Miami, in 1994, she became Assistant Professor of Psychology at FIU, Associate Professor in 1998, and full Professor in 2004. She received the Frost Professor award in 2006, a College of Education formal recognition for excellence in research and scholarly work. She has supervised students' doctoral dissertations and master theses, teaches courses in Educational Psychology and Child and Adolescent Development, Applied Behavior Analysis, Single Subject Designs, and directs infant and early childhood research.
Dr. Pelaez was the past Program Chair for the American Psychological Association, for Division 25 and past Program Co-Chair for the Association for Behavior Analysis. Dr. Pelaez has served as the Legislative Liaison with the Florida Legislature. In 2005 and 2006, she Chaired the Advisory Council of Faculty Senates of Florida (ACFS) and was member of numerous program review and search and screen committees. Between 2003 and 2006, she served as a member of the ACC (Articulation Coordinating Committee) of the Florida Department of Education, Chaired the Advisory Council of Faculty Senates ACFS representing Florida SUS faculty, and served as member of the Florida Board of Governors.
Dr. Pelaez serves as the vice chair of the FIU Faculty Senate.
She has four daughters, 11 grandchildren and a baby girl on her way, and enjoys sailing and raising.
Research Areas
Mother-infant attachment, maternal depression effects on infant behavior, interventions using touch to increase infant attention and early socialization, the effects of adult vocal imitation and motherese