Leila M. Allen
Office: AHC4-352
Phone: (305) 348-3827
Email: lallen@fiu.edu
Specialty: Founding Director, B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience Degree Program
Dr. Allen is an Associate Teaching Professor and serves as the Founding Director of the Bachelor’s in Science in Behavioral Neuroscience Degree Program in the Department of Psychology (https://case.fiu.edu/psychology/bs-in-behavioral-neuroscience/index.html). She also conducts research in the Neurocircuitry and Cognition Laboratory of Dr. Timothy Allen (allenlab.fiu.edu). She is the project lead on all studies conducted within the Porcine Neuroscience Facility, and is currently developing a pig model for translational neuroscience and Alzheimer Disease. Dr. Allen holds two patents for RatHat: a self-targeting 3D printable brain implant system to improve on current stereotaxic methods. She received the Faculty Senate Excellence in Teaching Award and was named a Top Scholar for Teaching Scholarship in Fall 2022.
Selected Publications
RatHat: A self-targeting printable brain implant system. LM Allen, M Jayachandran, TD Viena, M Su, BL McNaughton, TA Allen
Eneuro 7 (2), 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7156922/
The hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and perirhinal cortex are critical to incidental order memory. LM Allen, RA Lesyshyn, SJ O’Dell, TA Allen, NJ Fortin. Behavioural Brain Research 379, 112215, 2020. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166432819311441?fr=RR-2&ref=pdf_download&rr=7a8e0ab959bcb3b9
Recognition memory for social and non-social odors: differential effects of neurotoxic lesions to the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex. LM Feinberg, TA Allen, D Ly, NJ Fortin. Neurobiology of learning and memory 97 (1), 7-16, 2012. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1074742711001523?via%3Dihub
A neurotoxic regimen of methamphetamine impairs novelty recognition as measured by a social odor-based task. SJ O’Dell, LM Feinberg, JF Marshall. Behavioural brain research 216 (1), 396-401, 2011. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166432810005814
β-Amyloid impairs axonal BDNF retrograde trafficking. WW Poon, M Blurton-Jones, CH Tu, LM Feinberg, MA Chabrier, JW Harris, ...
Neurobiology of aging 32 (5), 821-833, 2011. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0197458009001687
Alcohol-induced retrograde memory impairment in rats: prevention by caffeine. MJ Spinetta, MT Woodlee, LM Feinberg, C Stroud, K Schallert, T Schallert. Psychopharmacology 201, 361-371, 2008. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-008-1294-5