Stephen Leatherman

Coastal Scientist, Internationally Known as Dr. Beach

Stephen Leatherman has visited every beach in the United States. He is an internationally recognized authority on hurricane impacts, beach erosion, effects of sea level rise and rip currents. In addition to his annual ranking of America's Best Beaches, he works tirelessly to increase awareness about the dangers of rip currents and to promote no smoking at beaches.

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His Job is Beach 

Dr. Stephen Leatherman ("Dr. Beach") is the ultimate authority on beaches and knows better than most the important role they play in the United States economy. He's reviewed, evaluated and rated beaches and coastal areas throughout the world. His annual ranking of America's Best Beaches highlights the best in sand, water and recreation. He knows better than anyone what draws tourists and drives them away.

Saving America's Beaches

Dr. Stephen Leatherman shares his career-long fight to combat beach erosion, sea level rise and our own bad habits that are putting America's beaches at risk. He has spent four decades researching and protecting the health of beaches, an effort that has included cigarette bans, research on mitigating hurricane impacts and education on rip current safety. 

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About Dr. Stephen Leatherman

Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman is Professor and Director of the Laboratory for Coastal Research at Florida International University. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental (Coastal) Sciences from the University of Virginia, and completed his undergraduate degree in Geosciences at North Carolina State University.

Prior to joining FIU, Stephen was Professor and Director of the Laboratory for Coastal Research at the University of Maryland; Director of the National Park Research Unit at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; and Assistant Professor in the Department of Geology at Boston University.

Stephen has authored or edited 16 books, including Sea Level Rise: Causes and Consequences; Barrier Island Handbook; Overwash Processes; Cape Cod: From Glaciers to Beaches; and America’s Best Beaches. He has also authored over 200 journal articles and technical reports, including articles in both Science and Nature.

Stephen has provided expert testimony multiple times for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. He was also the on-screen host and co-producer of the 1992 film “Vanishing Lands”, winner of three international film awards, including the Golden Eagle.

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Fun Facts

Stephen Leatherman was the on-screen host and co-producer of the 1992 film “Vanishing Lands”, winner of three international film awards, including the Golden Eagle.


Stephen Leatherman introduces the gamut of beach hazards—from sharks to rip currents to jellyfish—revealing which dangers should be of greatest concern and how best to minimize their risks. His scientifically sound advice, interspersed with fascinating facts and anecdotes, makes this book a perfect reference for the millions of travelers and vacationers who visit the ocean shore every year.

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