Our college is interdisciplinary, giving our experts and students the opportunity to work together on projects that explore the connections between the arts and the sciences to solve complex issues in today’s society.
Language & Ideas
Advocating for Expression
Our faculty are working towards defending bilingualism in our culture and bringing attention to dying languages while raising money for the Endangered Language Fund.
Debating Toward Success
Numerous studies have pointed to the high academic performance of student debaters and we are motivating at-risk students through the power of debate.
Art & Science
Mapping the Brain
Using multimedia, scientists vividly demonstrated the complexities of the human mind's neurological networks in 3D providing a new perspective into our brains.
Sounds of Climate Change
One of our biologists compiled 20 years of temperature data from Lake Annie and composed a musical piece after analyzing its rhythmic patterns.
Creative Works
Inaugural Poet
Read about Richard Blanco’s journey from civil engineer to renowned poet to FIU professor of Creative Writing in his own words.
Inspiring Young Writers
Students have the opportunity to expand horizons and encourage creativity through writing and even build a business out of it.