The PhD in Psychology requires a minimum of 75 semester credits of graduate work beyond the baccalaureate, including a dissertation based on the student’s original research. A maximum of 9 credits may be transferred into the Applied Social and Cultural Psychology major from a completed master’s degree program with the approval of the major director.
A student must enroll for dissertation credits after completing all coursework, passing the candidacy examination and being advanced to candidacy. Dissertation credits cannot be taken before advancement to candidacy. After a doctoral student is admitted to candidacy, continuous registration for at least three dissertation credits is required until the dissertation requirement is fulfilled.

For more information about Psychology programs, consult the Graduate Catalog.
Required Courses
Applied Social and Cultural Psychology doctoral students are required to complete the 9 credits of departmental core course requirements established across majors in the Department, along with more specialized content courses and courses involving directed independent effort, as listed below, for a total of 75 credits.
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