Life on Land
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide a framework to turn global ambitions into local action. Florida International University is ranked No. 32 in the world for positive impact on Life on Land according to the 2024 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.
Our faculty, students and staff are addressing the environmental and economic realities of climate change, protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems, and working on the frontlines of conservation to support Life on Land.
It doesn't fall to somebody else. It's not another person's duty. It's not another generation's responsibility. It's ours.Dr. Paul Reillo, Director of the FIU Tropical Conservation Institute and Founding Director of the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation
As the State of Florida’s University of Distinction in Environmental Resilience, FIU is providing the science for a healthier and more sustainable planet including Life on Land. Explore our efforts In the World, For the Community and On Campus.
Degree Programs
Across biology, chemistry earth and environmental sciences, FIU provide hands-on instruction for students interested in careers supporting sustainable Life on Land. This includes a Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability and the Environment. The university also offers degrees in Global Sustainable Tourism, environmental engineering, politics and international relations, public policy and administration, and other related fields. We equip our students with the knowledge and skills needed to find solutions for a sustainable and inspiring future.
Global Learning for Global Citizenship
FIU’s Global Learning initiative provides a foundation for students to create innovative, equitable, and sustainable solutions for our interconnected human and natural communities.
Every FIU undergraduate is student is required to take at least two Global Learning courses as part of their degree program. FIU offers 268 courses to fulfill this requirement, all focused on global, sustainable and responsible citizenship.