Florida Teacher Certification Exams

The Florida Teacher Certification Exams are state exams, and they are administered by Pearson Evaluation Systems. Students must take and pass three exams prior to graduation from an initial teacher certification program: General Knowledge Exam, Professional Education Exam, and the specific Subject Area Examination that corresponds to their program.

  • General Knowledge Exam consists of four subtests which must be passed by applicants in order to be admitted into an initial teacher preparation program: General Knowledge Essay, General Knowledge English Language Skills, General Knowledge Reading, and General Knowledge Math. Students must pass all four subtest to be fully admitted into a teacher preparation program. Since these exams must be passed prior to admission into a collegiate degree program, the College obviously does not teach to these exams. These exams should be taken at the end of an applicant's sophomore or the beginning of the applicant's junior year.
  • Candidates must pass the Professional Education exam before they are allowed to student teach and to graduate. The Professional Education exam covers concepts such as instructional design and planning, instructional delivery, and continuous professional improvement.
  • The Subject Area Examinations assess discipline-specific competencies and skills. Candidates must pass these exams before they are allowed to student teach and to graduate.
  • Florida Educational Leadership Examination (FELE) Candidates in the M.S. in Educational Leadership program take the FELE which consists of three subtests that cover the following areas: Subtest 1: Leadership for Student Learning; Subtest 2: Organizational Development; and Subtest 3: Systems Leadership.


Florida International University uses two types of Florida Teacher Examinations data: first time pass rates and average scores on specific competencies and skills for each exam.

FTCE First Time Pass Rates

Florida International University compares its own first-time pass rates with the statewide pass rates. Program directors and faculty review and analyze institutional data in comparison with statewide data to make changes in teaching practices and/or curricula as needed.

  • 2023-2024
    2023-2024 First Time Pass Rates
    Pass Rate# Takers# PassPass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
    Art Education K-1250%4246%425197
    Biology 6-1273%11863%484305
    Chemistry 6-1250%2156%12268
    Earth-Space Science 6-12100%1160%168101
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR37%381447%28991352
    ELEM Subtest 2: Soc Sci62%472963%45602852
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science54%482665%45272950
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics64%332167%27291824
    English 6-1260%15969%1304904
    English 6-12 Essay36%14562%1250780
    Exceptional Student Ed K-1250%12665%23341508
    FELE Subtest 155%221271%1312934
    FELE Subtest 257%211270%1277894
    FELE Subtest 352%211164%1250802
    FELE Subtest 3: Essay43%21961%1235757
    Mathematics 6-1271%7555%405223
    Music K-1291%111083%325270
    Physics 6-12-0060%7746
    PreK Subtest 1: Dev Knowl57%231366%23661554
    PreK Subtest 2: LA & Read56%181050%1417704
    PreK Subtest 3: Math69%161164%1369871
    PreK Subtest 4: Science77%221772%22081598
    Reading K-1260%5373%36522660
    School Counseling PK-12100%4482%311255
    School Psychologist PK-1275%8681%11190
    Social Science 6-1265%231558%1208703
  • Art Education K-12

    Art Education K-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - FIU# Takers - FIU# Pass - FIUPass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State

    ^Both BS and MAT students are included in these data sets.

  • Biology Education 6-12

    Biology Education 6-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • Chemistry Education 6-12

    Chemistry Education 6-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • Earth-Space Science 6-12

    Earth-Space Science Education 6-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • Early Childhood PreK-Primary PK-3

    Early Childhood PreK-Primary PK-3 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
    PK Subtest 1: Dev Knowl57%231366%23661554
    PK Subtest 2: LA & Read56%181050%1417704
    PK Subtest 3: Math69%161164%1369871
    PK Subtest 4: Science77%221772%22081598
    PK Subtest 1: Dev Knowl60%402464%23301494
    PK Subtest 2: LA & Read44%391745%23111034
    PK Subtest 3: Math49%391959%23001356
    PK Subtest 4: Science64%392567%22781536
  • English Education 6-12

    English Education 6-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
    English 6-1260%15969%1304904
    English 6-12 Essay36%14562%1250780
    English 6-1240%15660%1349805
    English 6-12 Essay63%161063%1335841
  • Exceptional Student Education K-6

    Exceptional Student Education K-6 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • Florida Educational Leadership Exam

    Florida Educational Leadership Exam K-6 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
    FELE Subtest 155%221271%1312934
    FELE Subtest 257%211270%1277894
    FELE Subtest 352%211164%1250802
    FELE Subtest 3: Essay43%21961%1235757
    FELE Subtest 142%12574%1253931
    FELE Subtest 233%12471%1250891
    FELE Subtest 317%12270%1247875
    FELE Subtest 3: Essay50%12663%1247787
  • Guidance and Counseling PK-12

    Guidance and Counseling PK-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • Mathematics Education 6-12

    Mathematics Education Exam 6-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • Music Education K-12

    Music Education Exam K-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State

    ^Both BM and MS students are included in these data sets.

  • Physics Education 6-12

    Physics Education Exam 6-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • PreK Primary Education PK-3

    PreK Primary PK-3 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR37%381447%28991352
    ELEM Subtest 2: Soc Sci62%472963%45602852
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science54%482665%45272950
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics64%332167%27291824
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR26%541450%50712546
    ELEM Subtest 2: Soc Sci36%531961%50133048
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science45%532459%49832924
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics36%531956%50142826
  • Reading K-12

    Reading K-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • School Psychology PK-12

    School Psychology PK-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State
  • Social Science 6-12

    Social Science 6-12 Subject Area Exam First Time Pass Rates

    Program YearPass Rate - Inst.# Takers - Inst.# Pass - Inst.Pass Rate - State# Takers - State# Pass - State

FTCE Competency Scores

Florida International University program directors examine the scores across competencies and discuss the findings among program faculty so that teaching practices and/or curricula can be revised to address any weaknesses.

Note: Exams are excluded from the list when there are no examinees in a given academic year.

  • 2023-2024

    Art Education K-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (13-17) Knowledge of the processes of two-dimensional art371.144767.3
    02 (14-17) Knowledge of the processes of three-dimensional art371.144764.8
    03 (13-16) Knowledge of the processes of digital arts378.444767.9
    04 (14-17) Knowledge of art history and culture384.244765.3
    05 (14-16) Knowledge of art criticism processes376.344771.5
    06 (12-16) Knowledge of art education and pedagogy369.444766.6
    07 (9-11) Knowledge of present-day connections and applications of art38044770.2

    ^Both BS and MAT students are included in these data sets.

    Biology 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (18-21) Knowledge of the investigative processes of science1184.952578.1
    02 (4-5) Knowledge of the interactions between science, technology, and society116952574.4
    03 (14-17) Knowledge of the chemical processes of living things1179.752573
    04 (7-8) Knowledge of the interactions between cell structure and cell function1170.752570.4
    05 (11-13) Knowledge of genetic principles, processes, and applications1171.852570.9
    06 (4-5) Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of viruses and prokaryotic organisms1171.452570.6
    07 (8-10) Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of protists, fungi, and plants1161.952569.5
    08 (13-16) Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of animals1167.252569.5
    09 (11-13) Knowledge of ecological principles and processes1174.452575
    10 (10-12) Knowledge of evolutionary mechanisms1179.252575.1

    Chemistry 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of matter261.112972.7
    02 (12-14) Knowledge of energy and its interaction with matter270.812973.8
    03 (15-18) Knowledge of bonding and molecular structure29012973.7
    04 (17-21) Knowledge of chemical reactions and stoichiometry258.812967.2
    05 (10-12) Knowledge of atomic theory and structure27512973.4
    06 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of science261.112981
    07 (9-10) Knowledge of measurement277.812971.6
    08 (4-5) Knowledge of appropriate laboratory use and procedures262.512976.4

    Earth-Space Science 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (19) Knowledge of the nature of science1100.017379.6
    02 (12) Knowledge of the composition, characteristics, and structure of Earth1100.017369.0
    03 (12) Knowledge of plate tectonics and related processes188.917374.5
    04 (10) Knowledge of Earth's surface processes187.517369.1
    05 (4) Knowledge of mapping and remote sensing1100.017375.9
    06 (7) Knowledge of the scope and measurement of geologic time183.317370.8
    07 (11) Knowledge of the characteristics and management of Earth's resources187.517377.2
    08 (8) Knowledge of oceans and coastal processes187.517364.5
    09 (9-10) Knowledge of factors that influence atmospheric conditions and weather175.017363.5
    10 (10) Knowledge of Earth's climate patterns188.917367.1
    11 (11) Knowledge of astronomical objects and processes190.017371.4
    12 (6) Knowledge of space exploration1100.017367.8

    Elementary Education K-6 Competency Scores 2024-2024

    Test Competency2023-2024
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 01 (16-17) Knowledge of the reading process3966.3297771.5
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 02 (8-9) Knowledge of literary analysis and genres3972.8297775.0
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 03 (9-10) Knowledge of language and the writing process3969.2297771.0
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 04 (14) Knowledge of literacy instruction and assessments3964.6297767.9
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 05 (9-10) Knowledge of communication and media literacy3967.3297769.6
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science01 (9-11) Knowledge of effective instructional practice and assessment of the social sciences5173.3472371.8
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science02 (13-14) Knowledge of time, continuity, and change (i.e., history)5171.6472372.9
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science03 (9-11) Knowledge of people, places, and environment (i.e., geography)5167.9472370.2
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science04 (11) Knowledge of government and the citizen (i.e., government and civics)5169.5472373.5
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science05 (9-10) Knowledge of production, distribution, and consumption (i.e., economics)5163.2472372.1
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science01 (9-11) Knowledge of effective science instruction4963.0482368.6
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science02 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of science4974.0482375.3
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science03 (11) Knowledge of physical sciences4970.1482372.7
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science04 (9-10) Knowledge of Earth and space4972.8482376.2
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science05 (13) Knowledge of life science4964.7482370.8
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics01 (13) Knowledge of student thinking and instructional practices3372.4301974.8
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics02 (14) Knowledge of operations, algebraic thinking, counting and number in base ten3382.1301977.6
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics03 (9) Knowledge of fractions, ratios, and integers3375.3301976.6
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics04 (8) Knowledge of measurement, data analysis, and statistics3378.8301980.8
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics05 (5-6) Knowledge of geometric concepts3371.2301977.0

    English 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    Test Competency2023-2024 (01/24-Present)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    English 6-1201 (9) Knowledge of effective use of the English language at the postsecondary level856.957661.7
    English 6-1202 (11) Knowledge and understanding of communication skills, techniques, and processes867.057671.2
    English 6-1203 (14-16) Knowledge of literacy processes across genres855.657672.2
    English 6-1204 (14-18) Knowledge of a wide range of fiction, nonfiction, and informational texts846.357664.2
    English 6-1205 (6) Knowledge of effective techniques for listening, viewing, speaking, and presenting881.357676.6
    English 6-1206 (9) Knowledge of pedagogical content for teaching English language arts859.757665.7
    English 6-1207 (6) Knowledge of various assessments and use of assessment data to drive instructional decisions within English language arts858.357666.1
    English 6-12: Essay06 (1) Demonstration of the ability to respond critically through an analysis of a literary selection673.380183.8


    Test Competency2023-2024  (01/15-12/23)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    English 6-1201 (16-19) Knowledge of the effective use of the English language at the postsecondary level1163.686068.9
    English 6-1202 (15-17) Knowledge of effective writing skills1174.186073.2
    English 6-1203 (14-16) Knowledge of literacy processes across genres1168.286071.0
    English 6-1204 (16-18) Knowledge of a wide range of fiction, nonfiction, and informational texts1167.586068.6
    English 6-1205 (9-11) Knowledge of critical responses to media1167.586075.0
    English 6-12: Essay06 (1) Demonstration of the ability to respond critically through an analysis of a literary selection673.380183.8

    Exceptional Student Education K-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (24-29) Knowledge of foundations of exceptional student education1369.9254375.3
    02 (13-16) Knowledge of assessment and evaluation1365.6254371.2
    03 (21-25) Knowledge of instructional practices in exceptional student education1365.4254372.2
    04 (12-14) Knowledge of the positive behavioral support process1370.9254375.7
    05 (22-26) Knowledge of multiple literacies and communication skills1361.9254370.3
    06 (8-10) Knowledge of the transition process1367.7254374.4


    Florida Education Leadership Exam Competency Scores 2022-2023

    Test NameTest VersionCompetency Title# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    FELE Subtest 1 (01/15-Present)01 (12-18) Facilitate student learning goals2071.5142373.9
    02 (12-18) Prioritize student learning via leadership2071.7142374.4
    03 (12-17) Develop/implement instructional framework2075.8142374.2
    04 (13-17) School environment for student learning2069.6142374.4
    FELE Subtest 2 (01/15-Present)01 (8-12) Recruitment and induction practices2271.6141276.4
    02 (16-23) Faculty/staff development and retention2271.3141274.0
    03 (13-18) Develop leadership w/in the organization2274.1141276.9
    04 (12-18) Personal/professional behavior practices2266.8141273.8
    FELE Subtest 3 (01/15-Present)01 (10-14) Decision-making processes2266.4140074.2
    02 (10-14) School operation management practices2275.0140078.4
    03 (10-15) Financial and resource management2275.0140073.6
    04 (10-14) School legal practices and applications2266.4140070.3
    FELE Subtest 3: Essay (01/15-Present)05 (1) Effective communication practices2162.3137267.5


    Mathematics 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (9-10) Knowledge of algebra883.644872.7
    02 (8-10) Knowledge of advanced algebra872.944872.9
    03 (6) Knowledge of functions850.044865.1
    04 (11) Knowledge of geometry871.444868.9
    05 (4) Knowledge of coordinate geometry870.844862.8
    06 (5) Knowledge of trigonometry877.444861.3
    07 (7-8) Knowledge of statistics and probability857.544870.1
    08 (6-8) Knowledge of calculus866.744855.2
    09 (4) Knowledge of mathematical reasoning858.344862.5
    10 (10-11) Knowledge of instruction and assessment882.544873.7

    Music 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    Competency2023-2024 (10/23-Present)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (24) Knowledge of music education fundamentals667.417372.4
    02 (30) Knowledge of music standards-based curricula and pedagogy665.617372.0
    03 (18) Knowledge of music performance assessment and evaluation670.417376.2
    04 (8) Knowledge of music program management, ethics, and legal matters666.717382.9


    Competency2023-2024  (10/07-09/23)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (20-21) Knowledge of music theory, history, and literature874.416871.7
    02 (22-26) Knowledge of curricula and instructional planning875.016876.0
    03 (25-26) Knowledge of instructional and assessment procedures869.116875.5
    04 (14-16) Knowledge of professional and instructional resources866.116874.7
    05 (5) Knowledge of instructional emphasis: choral867.516865.2
    06 (5-6) Knowledge of instructional emphasis: instrumental870.016860.0
    07 (5-6) Knowledge of instructional emphasis: general music872.916872.9

    ^Both BS and MS students are included in these data sets.

     Physics Education 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (4-6) Knowledge of the nature of scientific investigation and instruction in physics1100.08380.3
    02 (6-8) Knowledge of the mathematics of physics166.78373.2
    03 (8-9) Knowledge of thermodynamics175.08379.6
    04 (20-25) Knowledge of mechanics180.08375.1
    05 (13-16) Knowledge of waves and optics153.88366.7
    06 (15-18) Knowledge of electricity and magnetism160.08372.9
    07 (8-9) Knowledge of modern physics125.08376.9

    PreK/Primary PK-3 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    Test Competency2023-2024
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl01 (8-9) Knowledge of child growth, child development, and relationships with families and the community2968251170
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl02 (6-7) Knowledge of the profession and foundations of early childhood (PreK-3) education2961.5251166.8
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl03 (11-12) Knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices2967.6251171.4
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl04 (7) Knowledge of developmentally appropriate curricula2965.5251168.6
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl05 (8-9) Knowledge of developmentally appropriate intervention strategies and resources available to meet the needs of all students2972.6251173.9
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl06 (8) Knowledge of diagnosis, assessment, and evaluation2969251169.6
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl07 (7-8) Knowledge of child guidance and classroom behavioral management2971251177.3
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read01 (13-15) Knowledge of literacy and literacy instruction2074.2160374.3
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read02 (11-12) Knowledge of fiction and nonfiction genres including reading informational texts (e.g. literary nonfiction, historical, scientific, and technical texts)2068160372.6
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read03 (13-14) Knowledge of reading foundational skills2066.3160374.4
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read04 (12-13) Knowledge of language elements used for effective oral and written communication2066.4160368.5
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read05 (6) Knowledge of assessments to inform literacy instruction2063160363.6
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math01 (10-12) Knowledge of effective mathematics instruction1674.3145674.8
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math02 (7-8) Knowledge of algebraic thinking1678.1145676.1
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math03 (14-15) Knowledge of number concepts and operations in base ten1665.1145668.8
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math04 (7-8) Knowledge of measurement and data collection and analysis1679.2145670.6
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math05 (7-8) Knowledge of geometric and spatial concepts1673.2145674.7
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science01 (9-10) Knowledge of effective science instruction2172.6235171.7
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science02 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of science2169.3235167.9
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science03 (10-11) Knowledge of the earth and space sciences2174.4235172.4
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science04 (7-9) Knowledge of the physical sciences2177.1235169.6
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science05 (12-13) Knowledge of the life sciences2175.2235174.4

    Reading K-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    Competency2023-2024  (01/24-Present)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (8) Knowledge of research and theories of reading processes0-183263.9
    02 (7-8) Knowledge of text types and structures0-183264.2
    03 (7-9) Knowledge of reading assessment and evaluation0-183271.5
    04 (7-8) Knowledge of learning environments and procedures that support reading0-183272.7
    05 (9-10) Knowledge of oral and written language acquisition and reading and writing development0-183274.1
    06 (10) Knowledge of phonological awareness, phonics, and word recognition based on the science of reading0-183267.5
    07 (9) Knowledge of vocabulary acquisition and use based on the science of reading0-183266.1
    08 (10) Knowledge of reading fluency and reading comprehension based on the science of reading0-183273.4
    09 (8) Knowledge of reading program development, implementation, and coordination0-183277.4


    Competency2023-2024 (05/16-12/23)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (10-12) Knowledge of research and theories of reading processes482.4212971.2
    02 (10-12) Knowledge of text types and structures474.2212974.6
    03 (9-12) Knowledge of reading assessment and evaluation481.8212977.8
    04 (10-12) Knowledge of learning environments and procedures that support reading479.4212975.7
    05 (10-13) Knowledge of oral and written language acquisition and beginning reading476.3212973.7
    06 (12-15) Knowledge of phonics and word recognition466.7212974.5
    07 (12-15) Knowledge of vocabulary acquisition and use467.4212976.3
    08 (15-18) Knowledge of reading fluency and reading comprehension486.3212976.2
    09 (10-12) Knowledge of reading program development, implementation, and coordination482.4212978.2

    School Counseling PK-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024 

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (8-10) Knowledge of counseling477.832672.4
    02 (8-10) Knowledge of programs and interventions for addressing current issues in schools472.232676.6
    03 (8-10) Knowledge of assessment in promoting student success483.332675.3
    04 (8-10) Knowledge of career development and postsecondary opportunities480.632676.2
    05 (8-10) Knowledge of consultation, collaboration, and coordination466.732673.9
    06 (8-10) Knowledge of professional, ethical, and legal considerations469.432672.8
    07 (8-10) Knowledge of student appraisal and advisement475.032674.5
    08 (10-12) Knowledge of the development and assessment of exemplary comprehensive school counseling program484.132676.2
    09 (6-8) Knowledge of technology and digital citizenship489.332678.3
    10 (8-10) Knowledge of cultural competence for school counselors469.432672.5

    School Psychology PK-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (8-10) Knowledge of statistics, research methods, and program evaluation877.310972.4
    02 (8-10) Knowledge of data-based decision making and accountability871.210974.2
    03 (8-10) Knowledge of child and adolescent development880.310981.4
    04 (8-10) Knowledge of curricula and evidence-based interventions and instructional strategies related to academic outcomes871.210973.2
    05 (8-10) Knowledge of biological, social, and cultural bases of learning, behavior, and mental health884.810980.5
    06 (8-10) Knowledge of evidence-based interventions and instructional strategies related to social-emotional, mental, and behavioral health outcomes865.210977.3
    07 (8-10) Knowledge of best practices in student and school safety889.410986.9
    08 (8-10) Knowledge of consultation, collaboration, and problem solving881.810982.2
    09 (8-10) Knowledge of ethical, legal, and professional practice of school psychology877.310981.4
    10 (8-10) Knowledge of laws, rules, regulations, court decisions, and procedures related to public education878.810977.9

    Social Science 6-12 Competency Scores 2023-2024

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (10-18) Knowledge of geography2181.0129577.8
    02 (15-18) Knowledge of economics2179.4129575.3
    03 (15-18) Knowledge of political science2176.2129571.8
    04 (24-30) Knowledge of world history2180.2129575.3
    05 (25-35) Knowledge of U.S. history2178.1129573.5
    06 (6-12) Knowledge of social science and its methodology2176.8129578.0
  • 2022-2023

    Art Education K-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (13-17) Knowledge of the processes of two-dimensional art77451568
    02 (14-17) Knowledge of the processes of three-dimensional art774.551567.7
    03 (13-16) Knowledge of the processes of digital arts76751568.1
    04 (14-17) Knowledge of art history and culture777.651567.6
    05 (14-16) Knowledge of art criticism processes777.651573.5
    06 (12-16) Knowledge of art education and pedagogy776.751566.3
    07 (9-11) Knowledge of present-day connections and applications of art776.251570.7

    ^Both BS and MAT students are included in these data sets.

    Biology 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (18-21) Knowledge of the investigative processes of science1182.355280.5
    02 (4-5) Knowledge of the interactions between science, technology, and society1181.855273.8
    03 (14-17) Knowledge of the chemical processes of living things1179.955274
    04 (7-8) Knowledge of the interactions between cell structure and cell function1175.355271.5
    05 (11-13) Knowledge of genetic principles, processes, and applications1177.755272.6
    06 (4-5) Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of viruses and prokaryotic organisms1156.855268.4
    07 (8-10) Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of protists, fungi, and plants117555270.4
    08 (13-16) Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of animals1176.255270.1
    09 (11-13) Knowledge of ecological principles and processes1177.755276.6
    10 (10-12) Knowledge of evolutionary mechanisms118055275.5

    Chemistry 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of matter366.715475
    02 (12-14) Knowledge of energy and its interaction with matter366.715475.5
    03 (15-18) Knowledge of bonding and molecular structure371.115477.7
    04 (17-21) Knowledge of chemical reactions and stoichiometry362.715472.2
    05 (10-12) Knowledge of atomic theory and structure343.315474
    06 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of science370.415483
    07 (9-10) Knowledge of measurement374.115475.3
    08 (4-5) Knowledge of appropriate laboratory use and procedures37515475

    Earth-Space Science 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (19) Knowledge of the nature of science018983.0
    02 (12) Knowledge of the composition, characteristics, and structure of Earth018970.0
    03 (12) Knowledge of plate tectonics and related processes018973.4
    04 (10) Knowledge of Earth's surface processes018971.2
    05 (4) Knowledge of mapping and remote sensing018985.7
    06 (7) Knowledge of the scope and measurement of geologic time018970.3
    07 (11) Knowledge of the characteristics and management of Earth's resources018978.4
    08 (8) Knowledge of oceans and coastal processes018967.2
    09 (9-10) Knowledge of factors that influence atmospheric conditions and weather018963.5
    10 (10) Knowledge of Earth's climate patterns018971.8
    11 (11) Knowledge of astronomical objects and processes018973.4
    12 (6) Knowledge of space exploration018967.8

    Elementary Education K-6 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    Test Competency2022-2023
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 01 (16-17) Knowledge of the reading process4869539171.5
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 02 (8-9) Knowledge of literary analysis and genres4870.7539174.9
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 03 (9-10) Knowledge of language and the writing process4869.2539172.8
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 04 (14) Knowledge of literacy instruction and assessments4861.4539169.1
    ELEM Subtest 1: LAR 05 (9-10) Knowledge of communication and media literacy4865.5539170
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science01 (9-11) Knowledge of effective instructional practice and assessment of the social sciences5272.1530371.7
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science02 (13-14) Knowledge of time, continuity, and change (i.e., history)5268.9530371.7
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science03 (9-11) Knowledge of people, places, and environment (i.e., geography)5260.7530370.7
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science04 (11) Knowledge of government and the citizen (i.e., government and civics)5268.8530372.9
    ELEM Subtest 2: Social Science05 (9-10) Knowledge of production, distribution, and consumption (i.e., economics)5267530372.9
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science01 (9-11) Knowledge of effective science instruction5164.6518868.5
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science02 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of science5175.7518876.5
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science03 (11) Knowledge of physical sciences5170.1518871.4
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science04 (9-10) Knowledge of Earth and space5169.9518873.6
    ELEM Subtest 3: Science05 (13) Knowledge of life science5168.8518870.4
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics01 (13) Knowledge of student thinking and instructional practices5673539673.5
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics02 (14) Knowledge of operations, algebraic thinking, counting and number in base ten5675.3539673.5
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics03 (9) Knowledge of fractions, ratios, and integers5672.1539673
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics04 (8) Knowledge of measurement, data analysis, and statistics5675.5539675.9
    ELEM Subtest 4: Mathematics05 (5-6) Knowledge of geometric concepts5675.3539674.4

    English 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    Test Competency2022-2023
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    English 6-1201 (16-19) Knowledge of the effective use of the English language at the postsecondary level1373.4143670
    English 6-1202 (15-17) Knowledge of effective writing skills1371143673
    English 6-1203 (14-16) Knowledge of literacy processes across genres1373.3143671.9
    English 6-1204 (16-18) Knowledge of a wide range of fiction, nonfiction, and informational texts1375.8143669.9
    English 6-1205 (9-11) Knowledge of critical responses to media1379.1143674.2
    English 6-12: Essay06 (1) Demonstration of the ability to respond critically through an analysis of a literary selection1681.3139783.1

    Exceptional Student Education K-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (24-29) Knowledge of foundations of exceptional student education1577.2371676.2
    02 (13-16) Knowledge of assessment and evaluation1579.5371672.7
    03 (21-25) Knowledge of instructional practices in exceptional student education1569.2371673.5
    04 (12-14) Knowledge of the positive behavioral support process1576.1371676.1
    05 (22-26) Knowledge of multiple literacies and communication skills1578.5371672
    06 (8-10) Knowledge of the transition process1579.2371676.6


    Florida Education Leadership Exam Competency Scores 2022-2023

    Test NameTest VersionCompetency Title# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    FELE Subtest 1(01/15-Present)01 (13-18) Facilitate student learning goals764.4136972.8
    02 (12-18) Prioritize student learning via leadership774.7136975.3
    03 (12-17) Develop/implement instructional framework768.7136976.2
    04 (13-17) School environment for student learning772.3136976.2
    FELE Subtest 2(01/15-Present)01 (8-12) Recruitment and induction practices771.2136276.9
     02 (16-23) Faculty/staff development and retention774.2136273
     03 (13-18) Develop leadership w/in the organization768.9136276.2
     04 (13-18) Personal/professional behavior practices774.3136275
    FELE Subtest 3(01/15-Present)01 (10-14) Decision-making processes660137572.5
    02 (10-14) School operation management practices664.6137577.7
    03 (10-15) Financial and resource management659.7137574.7
    04 (10-14) School legal practices and applications658.8137568.1
    FELE Subtest 3: Essay(01/15-Present)05 (1) Effective communication practices1163.6136467.9


    Mathematics 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (9-10) Knowledge of algebra663.386270.9
    02 (8-10) Knowledge of advanced algebra669.886271
    03 (6) Knowledge of functions674.286264.7
    04 (11) Knowledge of geometry658.986267.1
    05 (4) Knowledge of coordinate geometry656.586264.3
    06 (5) Knowledge of trigonometry657.786257.1
    07 (7-8) Knowledge of statistics and probability664.986267.5
    08 (6-8) Knowledge of calculus664.586254.3
    09 (4) Knowledge of mathematical reasoning660.986261
    10 (10-11) Knowledge of instruction and assessment658.886271.2

    Music 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (20-21) Knowledge of music theory, history, and literature1380.634572.7
    02 (22-26) Knowledge of curricula and instructional planning1375.234575.5
    03 (25-26) Knowledge of instructional and assessment procedures1375.934575.7
    04 (14-16) Knowledge of professional and instructional resources1373.134573.7
    05 (5) Knowledge of instructional emphasis: choral136034562.9
    06 (5-6) Knowledge of instructional emphasis: instrumental1366.234564.3
    07 (5-6) Knowledge of instructional emphasis: general music1374.434572.9

    ^Both BS and MS students are included in these data sets.

    Physics Education 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (4-6) Knowledge of the nature of scientific investigation and instruction in physics11007373.4
    02 (6-8) Knowledge of the mathematics of physics171.47373.7
    03 (8-9) Knowledge of thermodynamics187.57374.1
    04 (20-25) Knowledge of mechanics1707367.8
    05 (13-16) Knowledge of waves and optics153.87364.2
    06 (15-18) Knowledge of electricity and magnetism1807368.7
    07 (8-9) Knowledge of modern physics1757371.4

    PreK/Primary PK-3 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    Test Competency2022-2023
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl01 (8-9) Knowledge of child growth, child development, and relationships with families and the community3666.1240967.7
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl02 (6-7) Knowledge of the profession and foundations of early childhood (PreK-3) education3663.4240963.9
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl03 (11-12) Knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices3666240969.2
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl04 (7) Knowledge of developmentally appropriate curricula3666.8240966
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl05 (8-9) Knowledge of developmentally appropriate intervention strategies and resources available to meet the needs of all students3670.5240973.9
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl06 (8) Knowledge of diagnosis, assessment, and evaluation3672.1240971.7
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl07 (7-8) Knowledge of child guidance and classroom behavioral management3676.5240978.9
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read01 (13-15) Knowledge of literacy and literacy instruction3669.6246570.3
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read02 (11-12) Knowledge of fiction and nonfiction genres including reading informational texts (e.g. literary nonfiction, historical, scientific, and technical texts)3670.2246571.1
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read03 (13-14) Knowledge of reading foundational skills3669.8246571.9
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read04 (12-13) Knowledge of language elements used for effective oral and written communication3667.1246568.1
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read05 (6) Knowledge of assessments to inform literacy instruction3657.1246564.4
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math01 (10-12) Knowledge of effective mathematics instruction4070.3245071.6
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math02 (7-8) Knowledge of algebraic thinking4069.7245070.3
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math03 (14-15) Knowledge of number concepts and operations in base ten4067.5245069.4
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math04 (7-8) Knowledge of measurement and data collection and analysis4065.7245070.4
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math05 (7-8) Knowledge of geometric and spatial concepts4067.1245069.7
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science01 (9-10) Knowledge of effective science instruction3763.4240069.9
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science02 (9-10) Knowledge of the nature of science3764.2240066.7
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science03 (10-11) Knowledge of the earth and space sciences3768.8240069.4
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science04 (7-9) Knowledge of the physical sciences3761.4240066.7
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science05 (12-13) Knowledge of the life sciences3770.6240072.6


    Reading K-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (10-12) Knowledge of research and theories of reading processes1367.2410472.6
    02 (10-12) Knowledge of text types and structures1367.9410475.4
    03 (9-12) Knowledge of reading assessment and evaluation1371.7410476.8
    04 (10-12) Knowledge of learning environments and procedures that support reading1367.9410474.6
    05 (10-13) Knowledge of oral and written language acquisition and beginning reading1368.7410474.1
    06 (12-15) Knowledge of phonics and word recognition1368.3410474.7
    07 (12-15) Knowledge of vocabulary acquisition and use1368.6410476
    08 (15-18) Knowledge of reading fluency and reading comprehension1366.7410475.9
    09 (10-12) Knowledge of reading program development, implementation, and coordination1369.6410477.1

    School Counseling PK-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    Competency2022-2023  (01/23-05/2023)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (8-10) Knowledge of statistics, research methods, and program evaluation1169.15170.6
    02 (8-10) Knowledge of data-based decision making and accountability1176.45173.9
    03 (8-10) Knowledge of child and adolescent development1179.15181.8
    04 (8-10) Knowledge of curricula and evidence-based interventions and instructional strategies related to academic outcomes1185.55179.4
    05 (8-10) Knowledge of biological, social, and cultural bases of learning, behavior, and mental health1180.95182
    06 (8-10) Knowledge of evidence-based interventions and instructional strategies related to social-emotional, mental, and behavioral health outcomes1177.35180.4
    07 (8-10) Knowledge of best practices in student and school safety1182.75185.1
    08 (8-10) Knowledge of consultation, collaboration, and problem solving1176.45177.8
    09 (8-10) Knowledge of ethical, legal, and professional practice of school psychology1169.15177.6
    10 (8-10) Knowledge of laws, rules, regulations, court decisions, and procedures related to public education1183.65185.1


    Competency2022-2023  (01/23-Present)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (8-10) Knowledge of counseling676.715874.4
    02 (8-10) Knowledge of programs and interventions for addressing current issues in schools68015877.2
    03 (8-10) Knowledge of assessment in promoting student success671.715873
    04 (8-10) Knowledge of career development and postsecondary opportunities681.715873.4
    05 (8-10) Knowledge of consultation, collaboration, and coordination666.715872.2
    06 (8-10) Knowledge of professional, ethical, and legal considerations683.315879.8
    07 (8-10) Knowledge of student appraisal and advisement67015871.8
    08 (10-12) Knowledge of the development and assessment of exemplary comprehensive school counseling program681.915870.4
    09 (6-8) Knowledge of technology and digital citizenship685.415879.7
    10 (8-10) Knowledge of cultural competence for school counselors676.715870.4

    School Psychologist PK-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    Competency2022-2023  (01/23-05/2023)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (8-10) Knowledge of statistics, research methods, and program evaluation1169.15170.6
    02 (8-10) Knowledge of data-based decision making and accountability1176.45173.9
    03 (8-10) Knowledge of child and adolescent development1179.15181.8
    04 (8-10) Knowledge of curricula and evidence-based interventions and instructional strategies related to academic outcomes1185.55179.4
    05 (8-10) Knowledge of biological, social, and cultural bases of learning, behavior, and mental health1180.95182
    06 (8-10) Knowledge of evidence-based interventions and instructional strategies related to social-emotional, mental, and behavioral health outcomes1177.35180.4
    07 (8-10) Knowledge of best practices in student and school safety1182.75185.1
    08 (8-10) Knowledge of consultation, collaboration, and problem solving1176.45177.8
    09 (8-10) Knowledge of ethical, legal, and professional practice of school psychology1169.15177.6
    10 (8-10) Knowledge of laws, rules, regulations, court decisions, and procedures related to public education1183.65185.1


    Competency2022-2023 (09/21-12/22)
    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (8) Knowledge of measurement theory, test construction, research, and statistics755.73568.3
    02 (15-16) Knowledge of data-based decision making and accountability771.43570.6
    03 (12) Knowledge of child and adolescent development775.73576.6
    04 (11-12) Knowledge of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and exceptional student education7803573.1
    05 (12) Knowledge of curricula and instruction777.13576.6
    06 (14) Knowledge of biological, social, and cultural bases of learning and behavior778.63577.4
    07 (6) Knowledge of laws, rules, regulations, and court decisions781.43582.6
    08 (15-18) Knowledge of evidence-based interventions7803577.4
    09 (10-12) Knowledge of consultation, collaboration, and problem solving777.13578.9
    10 (9-10) Knowledge of professional school psychology and ethical decision making7803582.3

    Social Science 6-12 Competency Scores 2022-2023

    # of FIU Takers % Correct FIU# of State Takers% Correct State
    01 (10-18) Knowledge of geography1375.8138778.9
    02 (15-18) Knowledge of economics1371.9138775
    03 (15-18) Knowledge of political science1372.9138772.4
    04 (24-30) Knowledge of world history1376.3138772.2
    05 (25-35) Knowledge of U.S. history1373.1138773.5
    06 (6-12) Knowledge of social science and its methodology1374.2138775.1
  • 2021-2022

    Art Education K-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Art Education 6-1201 (13-17) Knowledge of the Processes of Two-Dimensional Art871.854170.2
    Art Education 6-1202 (14-17) Knowledge of the Processes of Three-Dimensial Art869.654168
    Art Education 6-1203 (13-16) Knowledge of the Processes of Digital Arts866.354168.2
    Art Education 6-1204 (14-17) Knowledge of Art History and Culture877.754168.8
    Art Education 6-1205 (14-16) Knowledge of Art Criticism Processes88354174.6
    Art Education 6-1206 (12-16) Knowledge of Art Education and Pedagogy877.654168.9
    Art Education 6-1207 (9-11) Knowledge of Present-Day Connections and Applications of Art869.454170.4

    Biology 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Biology Education 6-1201 (18-21) Knowledge of the Investigative Processes of Science1780.469680.3
    Biology Education 6-1202 (4-5) Knowledge of the Interactions between Science, Technology and Society177569675.4
    Biology Education 6-1203 (14-17) Knowledge of the Chemical Processes of Living Things1774.469675.2
    Biology Education 6-1204 (7-8) Knowledge of the Interactions Between Cell Structure and Cell Function1773.969672.5
    Biology Education 6-1205 (11-13) Knowledge of Genetica Principles, Processes and Applications1773.369674.1
    Biology Education 6-1206 (4-5) Knowledge of the Structural and Functional Diversity of Viruses and Prokaryotic1763.269668.5
    Biology Education 6-1207 (8-10) Knowledge of the Structural and Functional Diversity of Protists, Fungi and Plants1762.569671
    Biology Education 6-1208 (13-16) Knowledge of the Structural and Functional Diversity of Animals1766.169668.8
    Biology Education 6-1209 (11-13) Knowledge of Ecological Principles and Processes1770.669677.1
    Biology Education 6-1210 (10-12) Knowledge of Evolutionary Processes1772.469675.3

    Chemistry 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Chemistry Education 6-1201 (9-10) Knowledge of the Nature Matter266.721172.1
    Physics Education 6-1202 (12-14) Knowledge of Energy and its Interaction with Matter258.321175.2
    Physics Education 6-1203 (15-18) Knowledge of Bonding and Molecular Structure28021174.6
    Physics Education 6-1204 (17-21) Knowledge of Chemical Reactions and Stoichemistry255.921167.1
    Physics Education 6-1205 (10-12) Knowledge of Atomic Theory and Structure24521172
    Physics Education 6-1206 (9-10) Knowledge of the Nature of Science266.721182
    Physics Education 6-1207 (9-10) Knowledge of Measurement25021174.6
    08 (4-5) Knowledge of Appropriate Laboratory Use and Procedures22521176.2

    Earth-Space Science 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Earth-Space Science 6-1201 (16-19) Knowledge of the Nature of Science181.322483.2
    Earth-Space Science 6-1202 (9-12) Knowledge of the Composition, Characteristics and Structure of Earth110022468.4
    Earth-Space Science 6-1203 (9-12) Knowledge of Plate Techtonics and Related Processes188.922475.3
    Earth-Space Science 6-1204 (8-10) Knowledge of Earth's Surface Processes110022470.3
    Earth-Space Science 6-1205 (4) Knowledge of Mapping and Remote Sensing17522481.1
    Earth-Space Science 6-1206 (5-7) Knowledge of the Scope and Measurement of Geologic Time110022465.9
    Earth-Space Science 6-1207 (8-11) Knowledge of the Characteristics and Management of Earth's Resources187.522478.3
    Earth-Space Science 6-1208 (8) Knowledge of Oceans and Coastal Processes17522468.3
    Earth-Space Science 6-1209 (8-10) Knowledge of Factors that Influence Atmospheric Conditions and Weather162.522464.6
    Earth-Space Science 6-1210 (8-10) Knowledge of Earth's Climate Patterns166.722471.4
    Earth-Space Science 6-1211 (9-11) Knowledge of Astronomical Objects and Processes15022474
    Earth-Space Science 6-1212 (5-6) Knowledge of Space Exploration12022467.7

    Elementary Education K-6 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Elem Subtest 1: Language Arts01 (16-17) Knowledge of the Reading Process7073.46,34573.1
    02 (8-9) Knowledge of Literary Analysis7071.56,34573.7
    03 (9-10) Knowledge of Language and the Writing70716,34570.6
    04 (12-14) Knowledge of Literacy Instruction7068.76,34568.8
    05 (9-10) Knowledge of Communication and Media7067.96,34568.5
    Elem Subtest 2: Social Science01 (9-11) Knowledge of Effective Instructional Practice and Assessment of the Social Sciences6773.66,09970.3
    02 (13-14) Knowledge of Time, Continuity and Change (i.e. History)6770.86,09972.3
    03 (9-11) Knowledge of People, Places and Environment (i.e. Geography)6773.16,09971.5
    04 (10-11) Knowledge of Government and the Citizen (i.e. Government and Citizenship)67746,09973.6
    05 (9-10) Knowledge of Production, Distribution and Consumption (i.e. economics)6769.26,09970.4
    Elem Subtest 3: Science01 (9-11) Knowledge of Effective Science Instruction7168.16,04968.9
    02 (9-10) Knowledge of the Nature of Science7178.76,04974.6
    03 (11) Knowledge of the Physical Sciences7172.36,04971.4
    04 (9-10) Knowledge of Earth and Space7168.76,04970.3
    05 (13) Knowledge of Life Science7167.36,04969.6
    Elem Subtest 4: Mathematics01 (10-13) Knowledge of Student Thinking and Instructional Practices6475.26,27772
    02 (11-14) Knowledge of Operations, Algebraic Thinking, Counting and Number in Base Ten6471.86,27770.5
    03 (7-9) Knowledge of Fractions, Ratios and Integers6474.66,27772.8
    04 (6-8) Knowledge of Measurement, Data Analysis and Statistics6470.26,27773.8
    05 (3-6) Knowledge of Geometric Concepts6474.16,27774

    English 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    English 6-1201 (16-19) Knowledge of the Effective Use of the English Language at the Postsecondary Level21671,62970.7
    English 6-1202 (15-17) Knowledge of Effective Writing Skills2172.11,62973
    English 6-1203 (14-16) Knowledge of Literacy Processes Across Genres2165.41,62972.2
    English 6-1204 (16-18) Knowledge of a Wide Range of Fiction, Nonfiction and Informational Texts2162.21,62974.2
    English 6-1205 (9-11) Knowledge of Critical Responses to Media2169.81,62974.2
    English 6-1206 (1) Demonstration of the Ability to Respond Critically Through Analysis of a Literary Selection21641,62966.4

    Exceptional Student Education K-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Exceptional Student Education K-1201 (24-29) Knowledge of Foundations of Exceptional Student Education2567.44,02775.2
    Exceptional Student Education K-1202 (13-16) Knowledge of Addessment and Evaluation2567.64,02771.9
    Exceptional Student Education K-1203 (21-25) Knowledge of Instructional Practices in Exceptional Student Education2566.24,02772.5
    Exceptional Student Education K-1204 (12-14) Knowledge of the Positive Behavioral Support Process2567.74,02774.5
    Exceptional Student Education K-1205 (22-26) Knowledge of Multuple Literacies and Communication Skills25664,02770.8
    Exceptional Student Education K-1206 (8-10) Knowledge of the Transition Process25694,02774.8

    Florida Education Leadership Exam Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    FELE Subtest 101 Facilitate Student Learning Goals1469.11,85472
    02 Prioritize Student Learning via Leadership1471.31,85474.5
    03 Develop/Implement Instructional Framework1478.11,85474.2
    04 School Environment for Student Learning1475.71,85475
    FELE Subtest 201 Recruitment and Introduction Practices1671.31,83476.7
    02 Faculty/Staff Development and Retention1668.41,83471.7
    03 Develop Leadership within the Organization1672.11,83474.4
    04 Personal/Professional Behavior Practices1667.61,83473.4
    FELE Subtest 301 Decision-making Process1369.91,90171.7
    02 School Operation Management Practices1377.61,90175
    03 Financial and Resource Management1373.11,90171.8
    04 School Legal Practices and Applications1361.51,90167.6
    FELE Subtest 3: Essay05 Effective Communication Practices1367.31,78565.7

    General Knowledge Exam Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    GK Subtest 1: Essay01 (4-6) Knowledge of Formal College-level Writing21265.510,28766
    GK Subtest 2: ELS01 (8-10) Knowledge of Language Structure25371.211,36873.7
    02 (9-10) Knowledge of Vocabulary Application25372.311,36876
    03 (16-20) Knowledge of Standard English Conventions25368.611,36872.1
    GK Subtest 3: Reading01 (16) Knowledge of Key Ideas and Details Based on Text Selections27271.511,63373.9
    02 (9-10) Knowledge of Craft and Structure Based on Text Selections27272.211,63373.5
    03 (12-13) Knowledge of the Integration of Informatino and Ideas Based on Text Selections27273.411,63374.2
    GK Subtest 4: Mathematics01 (7-8) Knowledge of Number Sense, Concepts and Operations2367211,50572.7
    02 (8-9) Knowledge of Geometry and Measurement23669.411,50573.7
    03 (12-13) Knowledge of Algebraic Thinking and the Coordinate Plane23667.611,50568.3
    04 (13-15) Knowledge of Probability, Statistics and Data Interpretation23671.811,50574.5

    Mathematics 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Mathematics 6-1201 (9-10) Knowledge of Algebra774.699468.1
    Mathematics 6-1202 (8-10) Knowledge of Advanced Algebra769.699467.4
    Mathematics 6-1203 (6) Knowledge of Functions771.499464.1
    Mathematics 6-1204 (11) Knowledge of Geometry766.299462.1
    Mathematics 6-1205 (4) Knowledge of Coordinate Geometry757.199462.4
    Mathematics 6-1206 (5) Knowledge of Trigonometry76099456
    Mathematics 6-1207 (7-8) Knowledge of Statistics and Probability755.199460.9
    Mathematics 6-1208 (6-8) Knowledge of Calculus776.299449.9
    Mathematics 6-1209 (4) Knowledge of Mathematical Reasoning767.999454.3
    Mathematics 6-1210 (10-11) Knowledge of Instruction and Assessment768.699466.9

    Music 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Music K-1201 (20-21) Knowledge of Music Theory, History and Literature127144573
    Music K-1202 (22-26) Knowledge of Curricula and Instructional Planning1273.144576.6
    Music K-1203 (22-26) Knowledge of Instructional and Assessment Procedures1269.144575.4
    Music K-1204 (14-16) Knowledge of Professional and Instructional Resources1266.144573.5
    Music K-1205 (5) Knowledge of Instructional Emphasis: Choral1251.744564.9
    Music K-1206 (5-6) Knowledge of Instructional Emphasis: Instrumental1258.344562.4
    Music K-1207 (5-6) Knowledge of Instructional Emphasis: General Music1266.744572.8

    Physical Education K-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Physical Education K-1201 (3-4) Knowledge of the History and Philosophy of the Physical Education Profession366.71,21570
    Physical Education K-1202 (9-12) Knowledge of Standards-based Physical Education Cirriculum Development370.41,21563.3
    Physical Education K-1203 (13-16) Knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Physical Education Instructional Strategies371.81,21576.9
    Physical Education K-1204 (7-10) Knowledge of Human Growth and Development and Motor Learning as they Relate to Physical Education352.21,21574
    Physical Education K-1205 (12-14) Knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Movement Skills and Concepts Associated Related to Physical Education370.31,21573.1
    Physical Education K-1206 (12-14) Knowledge of Lifetime Health, Wellness and Physical Fitness382.11,21576.6
    Physical Education K-1207 (7-8) Knowledge of Cognitive, Social and Emotional Development through Physical Education and Physical Activity361.91,21569.6
    Physical Education K-1208 (10-12) Knowledge of Various Types of Assessment Strategies that can be used to Determine Student Levels and Needs in Physical Education3751,21568.4
    Physical Education K-1209 (7-8) Knowledge of Strategies that Promote an Effective Learning Environment366.71,21572.7
    Physical Education K-1210 (4-5) Knowledge of Laws, Legislation and Liabilities that pertain to Physical Education384.61,21572.4
    Physical Education K-1211 (4-6) Knowledge of Laws, Appropriate Safety Considerations, Rules, Strategies and Terminology related to Physical Education and a variety of Physical Activities3501,21569.3
    Physical Education K-1212 (3-5) Knowledge of Professional Ethics, Advocacy and Development344.41,21578.4
    Physical Education K-1213 (6) Knowledge of the Appropriate Use of Technology as related to Physical Education377.81,21579.2

    Physics Education 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Physics Education 6-1201 (4-6) Knowledge of the Nature of Scientific Investigation and Instruction in Physics09974.7
    Physics Education 6-1202 (9-12) Knowledge of the Mathematics of Physics09963.5
    Physics Education 6-1203 (8-9) Knowledge of Thermodynamics09970.2
    Physics Education 6-1204 (20-25) Knowledge of Mechanics09960.8
    Physics Education 6-1205 (13-16) Knowledge of Waves and Optics09956.3
    Physics Education 6-1206 (15-18) Knowledge of Electricity and Magnetism09960.3
    Physics Education 6-1207 (8-9) Knowledge of Modern Physics09968.1

    PreK/Primary PK-3 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl01 (8-9) Knowledge of Child Growth, Child Development and Relationships with Families and the Community3169.82,31871.3
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl02 (6-7) Knowledge of the Profession and Foundations of Early Childhood (PreK-3) Education3165.62,31864.7
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl03 (11-12) Knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Practices3168.92,31870.9
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl04 (7) Knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Curricula3170.52,31864.5
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl05 (8-9) Knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Intervention Strategies and Resources Available to Meet the Needs of all Students3178.62,31873.1
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl06 (8) Knowledge of Diagnosis, Assessment and Evaluation31732,31864.9
    PK-3 Subtest 1: Dev Knowl07 (7-8) Knowledge of Child Guidance and Classroom Behavioral Management3177.42,31877.1
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read01 (13-15) Knowledge of Literacy and Literacy Instruction3070.32,54969.3
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read02 (11-12) Knowledge of Fiction and Nonfiction Genres including Reading Informational Texts (e.g. Literary Nonfiction, Historical, Scientific and Technical Texts)3070.32,54971.4
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read03 (13-14) Knowledge of Reading Foundational Skills3069.22,54971.4
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read04 (13-15) Knowledge of Language Elements Used for Effective Oral and Written Communication3065.82,54967.8
    PK-3 Subtest 2: LA & Read05 (6) Knowledge of Assessments to Inform Literacy Instruction3065.62,54964.5
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math01 (10-12) Knowledge of Effective Mathematics Instruction2874.62,37972.4
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math02 (7-8) Knowledge of Algebraic Thinking2883.22,37972.7
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math03 (14-15) Knowledge of Number Concepts and Operations in Base Ten2871.42,37968.1
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math04 (7-8) Knowledge of Measurement and Data Collection and Analysis2871.92,37968.4
    PK-3 Subtest 3: Math05 (7-8) Knowledge of Geometric and Spatial Concepts28742,37971.1
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science01 (9-10) Knowledge of Effective Science Instruction3078.12,33067
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science02 (9-10) Knowledge of the Nature of Science3070.22,33065.1
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science03 (10-11) Knowledge of the Earth and Space Sciences3070.12,33069.3
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science04 (7-9) Knowledge of the Physical Sciences3070.92,33066.9
    PK-3 Subtest 4: Science05 (12-13) Knowledge of the Life Sciences3073.42,33071.3

    Professional Education Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Prof Ed (PED)01 (18-22) Knowledge of Instructional Design and Planning17071.79,88872.1
    Prof Ed (PED)02 (15-18) Knowledge of Appropriate Student-Centered Learning Environments17070.39,88873.5
    Prof Ed (PED)03 (18-22) Knowledge of Instructional Delivery and Facilitation through a Comprehensive Understanding of Subject Matter170689,88869.3
    Prof Ed (PED)04 (14-17) Knowledge of Various Types of Assessment Strategies for Determining Impact on Student Learning17068.89,88871.6
    Prof Ed (PED)05 (11-15) Knowledge of Relevant Continuous Professional Improvement17066.99,88869.1
    Prof Ed (PED)06 (9-11) Knowledge of the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida17067.99,88871.4
    Prof Ed (PED)07 (7-8) Knowledge of Research-based Practices Appropriate for Teaching English Language Learners (ELLs)17065.89,88865.7
    Prof Ed (PED)08 (7-9) Knowledge of Effective Leadership Strategies that can be Applied Across the Curriculum to Impact Student Learning170639,88866.7

    Reading K-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Reading K-1201 (10-12) Knowledge of Research and Theories of Reading Processes1475.88,89373.3
    Reading K-1202 (9-12) Knowledge of Text Types and Structures14718,89374.9
    Reading K-1203 (9-12) Knowledge of Reading Assessment and Evaluation1477.98,89375.5
    Reading K-1204 (10-12) Knowledge of Learning Environments and Procedures that Support Reading1475.88,89374.5
    Reading K-1205 (10-13) Knowledge of Oral and Written Language Acquisition and Beginning Reading1475.88,89374.2
    Reading K-1206 (12-15) Knowledge of Phonics and Word Recognition1468.18,89374.5
    Reading K-1207 (11-15) Knowledge of Vocabulary Acquisition and Use1476.48,89376.2
    Reading K-1208 (14-18) Knowledge of Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension1474.38,89376.3
    Reading K-1209 (10-12) Knowledge of Reading Program Development, Implementation and Coordination1471.88,89377.4

    School Counseling PK-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    School Counseling PK-1201 (10) Knowledge of Counseling676.726974.6
    School Counseling PK-1202 (10) Knowledge of Programs and Interventions for Addressing Current Issues in Schools676,726976
    School Counseling PK-1203 (10) Knowledge of Assessment in Promoting Student Success68526974.6
    School Counseling PK-1204 (10) Knowledge of Career Development and Postsecondary Opportunities678.326975.3
    School Counseling PK-1205 (10) Knowledge of Consultation, Collaboration and Coordination678.326972.3
    School Counseling PK-1206 (10) Knowledge of Professional, Ethical and Legal Considerations68526979.4
    School Counseling PK-1207 (10) Knowledge of Student Appraisal and Advisement666.726970.8
    School Counseling PK-1208 (12) Knowledge of the Development and Assessment of Exemplary Comprehensive School Counseling Program670.826971.6
    School Counseling PK-1209 (8) Knowledge of Technology and Digital Citizenship67526977.2
    School Counseling PK-1210 (10) Knowledge of Cultural Competence for School Counselors668.326970.6

    School Psychology PK-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    School Psychologist PK-1201 (10) Knowledge of Statistics, Research Methods and Program Evaluation1272.58272.2
    School Psychologist PK-1202 (10) Knowledge of Data-based Decision Making and Accountability1268.38275.7
    School Psychologist PK-1203 (10) Knowledge of Child and Adolescent Development1286.78282.7
    School Psychologist PK-1204 (10) Knowledge of Curricula and Evidence-based Interventions and Instructional Strategies Related to Academic Outcomes1273.38277.3
    School Psychologist PK-1205 (10) Knowledge of Biological, Social and Cultural Bases of Learning, Behavior and Mental Health1280.88279.6
    School Psychologist PK-1206 (10) Knowledge of Evidence-based Interventions and Instructional Strategies related to Social-emotional, Mental and Behavioral Outcomes12658272.9
    School Psychologist PK-1207 (10) Knowledge of Best Practices in Student and School Safety1274.28283
    School Psychologist PK-1208 (10) Knowledge of Consultation, Collaboration and Problem Solving1267.58279.6
    School Psychologist PK-1209 (10) Knowledge of Ethical, Legal and Professional Practice of School Psychology1278.38279.4
    School Psychologist PK-1210 (10) Knowledge of Laws, Rules, Regulations, Court Decisions and Procedures Related to Public Education12908286.7

    Social Science 6-12 Competency Scores 2021-2022

    Test NameCompetency# of Takers% Correct# of Takers - State% Correct - State
    Social Science 6-1201 (10-18) Knowledge of Geography1470.71,66976.8
    Social Science 6-1202 (15-18) Knowledge of Economics14811,66977
    Social Science 6-1203 (15-18) Knowledge of Political Science1471.91,66972.1
    Social Science 6-1204 (24-30) Knowledge of World History1473.41,66972.7
    Social Science 6-1205 (25-35) Knowledge of U.S. History1476.91,66974.1
    Social Science 6-1206 (6-12) Knowledge of Social Science and its Methodology1472.91,66974.6
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