Cayce Wicks
Office: DM 466A
Phone: 305-348-2229
Email: cwicks@fiu.edu
Cayce Wicks earned her M.A. in English with an emphasis on Composition Studies from Florida International University. She specializes in first-year writing, student success/retention, and community literacy. She regularly teaches ENC 1101 and ENC 1102, ENC 2304, and ENC 3501.
Teaching Philosophy
As a writing assistant teaching professor in the modern composition classroom filled with diverse and inspiring students, I feel that it is my responsibility to help each student gain confidence and authority as a writer. I believe equipping students with heightened rhetorical awareness, encouraging them to become co-constructors of knowledge, and respecting the diverse approaches they bring with them into the classroom are the key ways that I can help my students develop as effective writers and communicators.
Research Areas
Assistant Teaching Professor Wicks currently serves as the Student Success Coordinator for the FIU Writing Program. She serves on the Community Writing Committee, mentors new instructors and teaching assistants, mentors for the Fostering Panther Pride organization, and conducts ongoing research in student success initiatives.