Sonssire Tapanes
Office: ZEB 215
Phone: 305-348-2978
Email: stapanes@fiu.edu
Specialty: Exceptional Student Education, Recreation and Sport Management, Secondary Education
Sonssire Tapanes is a two-time alumnus of FIU, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Higher Education Administration. She started working as an as academic advisor in 2015 and has presented at state and National Conferences for NACADA (National Academic Advising Association)— earning a first-place presentation award and a commission-sponsored award. Her favorite aspect of advising is the teaching component: helping students learn study skills, find resources and make decisions. Sonssire loves STEM education because it is full of new ideas and innovation. She strongly holds that STEM encourages critical thinking, real-world application and takes us places. Sonssire considers it important to always encourage students to work hard, find their passion and exercise dedication in order to achieve their educational goals.