Michael C. Sukop
Earth and Environment; Southeast Environmental Research Center
Office: PC 326, AHC5 369
Phone: 305-348-3117
Email: sukopm@fiu.edu
Specialty: Hydrology
Research Areas
Michael Sukop's research is focused on computational fluid dynamics in cavernous, fractured and porous media. Solute transport in these complex media and its simulation, including inverse modeling, are key interests. This research is done at pore to aquifer scales using both traditional groundwater models and lattice Boltzmann models. Single and multi-phase lattice Boltzmann models figure prominently in research aimed at better methods for solute transport in karst aquifers, and for water and nonaqueous fluid behavior in fractured and porous media - especially unsaturated media. Sukop maintains ongoing interests in fractals, multifractals, cellular automata, percolation phenomena, geostatistics and surface chemistry and their applications.
- PhD, University of Kentucky
- MS, Washington State University
- BS, Pennsylvania State University