Natalia Soares Quinete

Natalia Soares Quinete

Assistant Professor

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Office: MSB 357

Phone: 305-348-3118


Specialties: Environmental and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, PFAS analysis, Emerging Contaminants, Metabolites and Biomarkers

The NTA Solution Project

Research Areas

  • Method development based on mass spectrometry for targeted and non-targeted approaches with applications in environmental (exposomics) and bioanalytical chemistry (lipidomics and metabolomics)
  • Monitoring and assessment of the occurrence, fate and transport of PFAS in environmental and biological samples
  • Biomonitoring of endocrine disruptor contaminants such as phthalates, hormones, PFAS, PCB metabolites, and other emerging compounds
  • Study of biomarkers of exposure to a variety of environmental organic contaminants


  • PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil
  • Master in Analytical Chemistry, Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Brazil
  • Bachelor in Chemical Engineering, Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Brazil