Tania Santiago Perez

Tania Santiago Perez

Interim Chair of Counseling, Recreation, and School Psychology

Counseling, Recreation and School Psychology

Office: ZEB 336A

Phone: 305-348-3220

Email: tsantiag@fiu.edu

Specialty: Recreational Therapy

Tania Santiago Perez is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Rehabilitation and Recreational
Therapy Program within the School of Education and Human Development. Dr. Santiago Perez
is passionate about educating future recreational therapists at the largest Latine serving
institution in the United States. Apart from her CTRS credential, she has earned the following
certifications: Water Safety Instructor (WSI), Adapted Aquatics Instructor (AAI), and Open
Water Scuba Diver (PADI and NAUI). Her research focuses on the influence of adapted sports
on health and quality of life outcomes, with a primary interest in aquatic sports and aquatic
recreational activities. Her current projects involve studying the influence of adapted scuba
diving, adapted swimming, and adapted sailing on quality of life and health. She has a keen
interest in exploring the development of social identity and the influence of personality in
adapted sports.

Dr. Santiago Perez is passionate about expanding access to the social, physical, psycho-
emotional, and spiritual benefits of leisure and recreation to all people. Her professional
experience as a Recreational Therapist includes working in the private, public, and non-profit

Dr. Santiago Perez has received several FIU awards including the 2023 Rewarding Excellence in
Teaching Incentive (RETI), the 2017 CASE Engagement Award, the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2023
CASE Service Awards, and the 2019 Top Scholar Award for Teaching and Mentorship.

Research Areas

Adapted Sports
Adapted Aquatic Recreational Activities (focus on Scuba Diving & Swimming)

Disability and Health

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes

Social Identity and Social Determinants of Health

Recreational Therapy Education

Selected Publications

Santiago Perez, T., Crowe, B.M., Rosopa, P.J., Townsend, J., & Kaufman, M.R. (2023).
Diving into health: A mixed methods study on the impact of scuba diving in people with
physical impairments. Healthcare, 11(7) 984.

Santiago Perez, T., & Crowe, B.M. (2021). Community participation for transition-aged
youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A systematic review. Therapeutic
Recreation Journal, 55(1), 19-41.

Santiago Perez, T., Pola, A. D., Crowe, B. D., Van Puymbroeck, M., Schmid, A. (2020).
The emerging healthcare professional: Certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT).
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 39(2020).


Courses Taught

LEI3001 Leisure and Recreation in America
LEI3703 Introduction to Recreational Therapy

LEI3707 Inclusive Recreation Services

LEI3723L Facilitation Techniques and Modalities Lab, Adapted Sports

LEI3723L Facilitation Techniques and Modalities Lab, Adapted Swimming

LEI3723L Facilitation Techniques and Modalities Lab, Handcycling

LEI3723L Facilitation Techniques and Modalities Lab, Autism Sports

LEI4720 Trends, Issues, and Managerial Aspects of Recreational Therapy

LEI4724 Recreational Therapy Modalities and Techniques

LEI4940 Internship I

LEI4941 Internship II


  • PhD (2022) Clemson University, Parks Recreation and Tourism Management, Recreational Therapy Cognate Area
  • MS (2013) Florida International University, Recreation and Sport Management: Recreational Therapy
  • BS (2010) Florida International University, Exercise and Sport Sciences: Exercise Physiology