Angela Salmon
Associate Professor
Teaching and Learning
Office: ZEB 341B
Phone: 305-348-3211
Email: salmona@fiu.edu
Specialty: Early Childhood Education
Dr. Angela K. Salmon is an Associate Professor and Director of the Early Childhood Program. She is Habits of Mind Certified and founding leader of the Visible Thinking South Florida initiative (now Association for Thinking and Learning). She is the Chair of the International Conference on Thinking 2018. Her long-standing partnership with Project Zero at Harvard University has evolved into numerous research initiatives, national and international lectures, and publications.
World's Ahead Faculty Recognition (2011), Thinker in Residence, invitation by the Independent Schools of Victoria in Melbourne Australia
Research Areas
- Interplay between cognition, language and literacy development
- Children's theory of mind, habits of mind, executive functions and metacognition
- Language and literacy development as a result of teacher's discourse in the classroom
- Implementation of play and music
- Building communities of practice