Jay Sah

Jay Sah

Research Professor

Institute of Environment

Office: OE 218

Phone: 305-348-1658

Email: sahj@fiu.edu

Lab: CASE 117

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Sah studies the effects of environmental drivers and stresses on pattern and processes in various plant communities, including wetlands and upland forests in South Florida. In addition, he conducts interdisciplinary research on natural resource management in Nepal.

Research Areas

Dr. Sah’s primary research interest includes vegetation-environment relationships and vegetation dynamics in response to environmental changes caused by natural and anthropogenic disturbances, including global change, climate extreme events and the use of plant resources. His research focus is on understanding how plant communities change over time and space through field studies and modeling. His expertise includes analysis of large-scale data by using multivariate statistical techniques, statistical modeling, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Currently, Dr. Sah works on vegetation dynamics and their management implications in marl prairies, ridge and slough landscape and the tree islands in freshwater Everglades, the coastal wetlands of the Southeast Saline Everglades, the tropical and sub-tropical upland forests of the Miami Rock Ridge and adjacent islands.