Courtney E. Rose
Educational Policy Studies
Office: ZEB 341A
Phone: 305-348-4086
Email: crose@fiu.edu
Dr. Courtney E. Rose is a visiting assistant teaching professor in the Urban Education program at Florida International University, founder of Ivy Rose Consulting, and a former fifth grade Math/Science teacher. She holds a doctorate in Curriculum & Teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University, an MEd in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Bachelor's in Elementary Education from the University of Florida.
Currently, her research and work interests include the development and implementation of innovative approaches to social justice-oriented and culturally relevant instructional practices and curricular designs, including recent developments in the area of Hip-Hop Education. Her student-driven approach to teacher education and professional development aims to help educators and administrators develop or enhance their practices to bridge students' cultural, academic and social identities and create more meaningful learning experiences with and for the increasingly diverse students and families of today's schools.