Cara A Rockwell
Institute of Environment
Office: AHC5 361
Phone: 305-348-1930
Email: crockwel@fiu.edu
Specialty: Tropical Forestry
Research Areas
My research integrates the disciplines of tropical ecology, agroforestry, and sustainable forest management within the context of neotropical smallholder and community-based systems. I have pursued these complementary research interests since 1998, when I served as a Peace Corps agroforestry volunteer in Paraguay. I believe that a cohesive approach to natural resource management research will have a positive impact on livelihood development as well as biodiversity conservation and environmental services. To-date most of my research has been conducted in Southwestern Amazonia, principally in the Brazilian state of Acre and the Peruvian department of Madre de Dios. Drawing from my international field experiences, I am interested in mentoring students and allowing them to explore research opportunities in the field, both in South Florida and Latin America.