Cesar Enrique Ramirez
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Office: CP 174, CP 304
Phone: 305-348-6656
Email: cramirez@fiu.edu
Specialty: Associate Director, Advanced Mass Spectrometry Facility
Dr. Cesar E. Ramirez received a BS in Chemistry in 2006 from the Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela, where he applied mass spectrometry and atomic spectroscopy to solve challenges in the fields of natural products, toxicology and environmental analysis. Dr. Ramirez then moved to FIU to pursue his PhD in environmental analytical chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Piero Gardinali at the Southeast Environmental Research Center, developing workflows to detect the occurrence, fate and toxicological response of pollutants such as surfactants used during the response efforts after the Gulf Oil Spill of 2010.
After graduation, Dr. Ramirez stayed one more year at SERC using the newly installed high resolution mass spectrometry capabilities to detect markers of human pollution in usable water bodies. In March 2015 he joined the advanced Mass Spectrometry Facility, where he develops tailored analytical workflows for users within FIU, local institutions and industrial partners. He also troubleshoots and fixes scientific instruments.