Nicholas Oehm

Nicholas Oehm

Associate Professor

STEM Transformation Institute

Office: VH 168

Phone: (305) 348-6839


Specialty: FIUteach

Nick Oehm earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Allegheny College and his Master of Science in Tropical Biology from FIU. He has taught biology at both Miami Dade County Public Schools and Miami Dade College for fifteen years. Professor Oehm also has extensive experience in informal education. He served as the Co-Chair of the Education & Outreach Executive Board for the US Long Term Ecological Research Program for three years. He is also the Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research Program at FIU, a position he has held since 2006. Through his experiences as classroom teacher and informal science educator he developed an interest in finding novel ways of engaging his students and the community in scientific research and Everglades restoration.