Jaroslava Miksovska
Chemistry and Biochemistry; Biomolecular Sciences Institute
Office: CP 328
Phone: 305-348-7406
Email: miksovsk@fiu.edu
Jaroslava Miksovska received her PhD in 1998 for time-resolved spectroscopic studies of electron and proton transfer in the photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter
Research Areas
Her research interests focus on the application of photoacoustic calorimetry and photothermal beam deflection to investigate
Project 1: Downstream Regulatory Element Antagonist Modulator is a neuronal calcium sensor that regulates vital processes including potassium voltage channel kinetics, DNA transcription
Project 2: Hexa-coordinate globins neuroglobin and cytoglobin represent a new sub-family of vertebrate globins that are involved in tissue protection under
Recent Publications/Abstracts with Undergraduate Coauthors (*)
- Gonzalez WG, Arango AS*, Miksovska J. Amphiphilic Residues 29-44 of DREAM N-Termini Mediate Calmodulin
:DREAM Complex Formation. Biochemistry (2015) 54:4391-403. - Walter G. Gonzalez, Andres S. Arango*, and Jaroslava Miksovska Interaction-based analysis of the DREAM-Calmodulin complex 66th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, October 16th - 19th, 2014
- Adrian Rodriquez* and Jaroslava Miksovska Heme pocket characterization of neuroglobin using fluorescence probes Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, February 2014
- BS Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
- MS Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
- PhD University Paris XI - Orsay, France