Danilo LeSante
Dr. Danilo LeSante is an Industrial/Organizational Psychology PhD. He has been an adjunct lecturer at FIU for over 10 years.
Dr. LeSante is particularly interested in understanding the extent to which ideological misfit (between employees and organizations) influences employee workplace outcomes (especially job attitudes and counterproductive work behaviors), and whether employee workplace judgments and behaviors are driven by their ideological leanings.
Additionally, Dr. Lesante has general interests in research methodology and statistical analysis. He has applied a variety of statistical techniques (including moderated mediation, structural equation modeling, growth curve modeling, and multilevel modeling) to examine topics related to personality, job performance, gender, and psychological contract breach.
Dr. LeSante previously served as the Director of Assessment Analytics for the Division of Academic and Student Affairs at Florida International University and has been an Adjunct Lecturer for the FIU psychology department for over 10 years.
Dr. LeSante currently has a full-time job as a People Analytics Researcher with Google and serves as an adjunct lecturer for the Organizational Science Master’s Program.
- Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Florida International University
- M.S., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Florida International University
- M.S., Higher Education Administration, Florida International University
- B.A., English, Florida International University
- Sante, Danilo R. Le et al. “How Contextual Performance Influences Perceptions of Personality and Leadership Potential.” Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones (2021): n. pag.
Le Sante, D. R., Jain, N. K., Viswesvaran, C., Belwal, R., (2020, June). Psychological Contract Breach and Corporate Reputation Influence Job Attitudes. Poster session presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX. (Conference moved to virtual format) - Le Sante, D. R., (2020, February) Reporting Assessment Results using R: An Applied Example. Paper presented at the Florida Association of Institutional Research (FAIR) Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Le Sante, D. R., Eaton, A. A., & Viswesvaran, C., (2019, April). Interpersonal Facilitation Predicts Employees’ Leader Emergence Through Perceptions. Poster session presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Washington, D.C.
Kallschmidt, A.M., Le Sante, D., & Viswesvaran, C., (2019, May). Mentor Matching Based on Occupational Interest. Poster presented at the Association of Psychological Science Annual Convention, in Washington, D.C.