Norma Goonen
Educational Policy Studies
Office: ZEB 363A
Phone: 305-348-3208
Email: ngoonen@fiu.edu
Specialty: Higher Education
Dr. Goonen has had a distinguished career as a faculty and administrator in higher education. In her administrative career, she has served as campus President (Miami Dade College); Provost for Academic and Student Affairs (Miami Dade College); Dean, College of Arts & Sciences (Nova Southeastern University; Vice President for Academic Affairs (St. Thomas University); and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies (Florida International University-FIU). Her instructional background includes the training of professionals in the areas of educational administration, leadership, higher education school law, and multicultural education. A past Fulbright recipient, Leadership America graduate, and graduate of the Harvard Institute for Professional Management and the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation, she is also a presenter and consultant and serves on several professional associations and boards. In addition to her present fulltime faculty position at FIU, Dr. Goonen's higher education teaching career has included Florida Atlantic University as a fulltime Visiting Professor, and prior to that, while an administrator, part-time teaching for various universities, including courses in Europe and in South America.
Research Areas
- Higher Education Administration
- Comparative International Higher Education
- Higher Education Law
- Access & Choice theory in Higher Education
- Multiculturalism in Higher Education
- Leadership
• M.S, Adult Education, Administration and Supervision, Florida International University
• B.A., English, Florida International University
Selected Publications
Books, Textbooks, Teacher’s Editions
Goonen, N., and Blechman, R. (1999). Higher education administration: A guide to legal,
ethical, and practical issues. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Goonen, N., and Kossack, S. (1989). Heath Reading Language Enrichment Program, (LEP
Teacher's Edition, Pre-Primer) Yellow fish, blue fish; My friends the frogs; Grab that dog!
Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath and Company, 1989.
Goonen, N., and Kossack, S. (1989). Heath Reading Language Enrichment Program, (LEP
Teacher's Edition, 2.2) Come back here, crocodile, Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath and Company,
Goonen, N., Hoffman, E., Kossack, S. and Sullivan, J. (1989) Heath Reading Language
Enrichment Program, (LEP Teacher's Edition, Primer), Little duck dance, Lexington Mass: D.C.
Heath and Company, 1989.
Goonen, N., Kossack S., and Mendoza, A. (1989). Heath Reading Language Enrichment
Program, (LEP Teacher's Edition, Readiness), The mouse in the house, Lexington, Mass: D.C.
Heath and Company, 1989.
Farley, S., Fields, S., Goonen, N., and Kossack, S. (1989). Heath Reading Language Enrichment
Program, (LEP Teacher's Edition, First Reader), My best bear hug, Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath
and Company, 1989.
Chapters in Books, Journal articles, Reports, Monographs
can they be covered by workers’ compensation insurance if they are not considered employees?
Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education. https:
doi.org/10.1080/19357397.2022.2088 188
Goonen, N.M. & Medina-Shore, S. (2021). ‘Hot issues in Workers’ Compensation in colleges
and universities: Graduate Assistants and Teaching Assistants. Compensation and Benefits
Review, 53(3). https://doi.org.10.1777/08863687211005237
Iber, G.L., Goonen, N.M., and Moreno, M. (2002). “Cultural and linguistic minority language
issues in Florida’s public high schools: From cultural impact to inequality to enrichment,” in
World Yearbook of Education, E. Thomas (Ed.), London: Kogan Page Ltd. (chapter in book)
and Higher Education: Issues in 2002, St. Petersburg, FL: Stetson University College of Law.
(published paper in conference proceedings)
Iber, G.L., Goonen, N.M., and Moreno, M. (2000). “From impact to enrichment: Lessons learned
in Florida on teaching English as a second language in the public high school setting,” in
Educacion y Ciencia, Nueva Epoca Vol. 4, No. 8 (22), July-December, 2000 (article in journal)
DuFresne, E.J., Goonen, N., and Williams, G.A. (1995). "Guide to administrative rights and
procedures," in School law in Florida, Eau Claire, WI: National Business Institute. (chapter in
Bender, L., and Goonen, N. (1990). Achieving access and quality: Case studies in equity, New
York: ACE/MacMillan. (book chapter)
Bender, L., and Goonen, N. (1989). Organizational influences on minority degree achievement:
Ten case studies, National Center for Postsecondary Governance and Finance, Technical Report,
Arizona State University (chapter).
Other Publications
Goonen, N. (1986). Bilingual and ESL Classrooms: Teaching in Multicultural Contexts. TESOL
Newsletter, VOL. XX No. 5, October 1986 (Book Review).
Goonen, N. (1986). Cuban-Americans in the United States, ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban
Education, indexed Jan-June 1986, v. 21, Pt.2, ED 263 294.
Goonen, N. (1985). Recent research studies in bilingual education, ERIC Clearinghouse on
Urban Education.
Goonen, N., and Angulo, S. (1984). In-service training of administrators. NABE Journal, Vol.
VIII, No. 3, 77-82.
Goonen, N. (1983). Rites of passage of associate and assistant deans of schools of education in
the state university system of the state of Florida, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms
International (indexed in Dissertation Abstracts International, January 1984, Vol. 44, Pt. A, No.
7-8, p. 1989-A.
Goonen, N., Angulo, S., and Velez, M., (1981). Bilingual education in Florida: A perspective, a
video-tape, (narrated by then Florida Governor Bob Graham).
Goonen, N., Angulo S., and Velez, M. (1981). Bilingual education: Florida administrator's
manual (Revised 1982, 1983); last edition published in the ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban
Education, indexed Jan-June 1986, v.21, Pt.2, ED 265 231.