Joyce Fine
Teaching and Learning
Office: ZEB 260A
Phone: 305-348-6152
Email: finej@fiu.edu
Specialty: Reading & Writing Strategies; Adolescent Literacy; Teacher Preparation
Joyce C. Fine, Program Director for Reading Education, has designed and taught on-site, in-school, after-school and summer practicum courses focused on elementary and adolescent learners for undergraduate and graduate candidates, as well as served as major professor for many doctoral students. She was a member of the National Commission on Excellence in Elementary Teacher Preparation and the Task Force on Teacher Preparation of the International Literacy Association, served as Chair of the American Reading Forum and President of the Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading. She has published many articles and chapters on reading and writing strategies and has served as a reviewer for various literacy organizations' journals.
Dr. Fine is the Modesto A. Maidique Campus representative on the CASE Library Committee.
- CASE Engagement Award (2017)
- Faculty Senate Florida International University: Community Engagement (2013)
- Faculty Senate Florida International University: Excellence in Teaching (2004, 1994)
- Engaged Scholarship Faculty Award (State University Sector) from Florida Campus Compact (2014)
- Knowledge Award (2014) Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy
- American Reading Forum, Brenda S. Townsend Service Award (2010) for outstanding service and commitment to the organization,
- Certificate of Distinction (2009) Elementary Education Program in Reading from the International Reading Association