Sarah Eddy
Biological Sciences; STEM Transformation Institute
Office: VH 144, OE 215
Phone: 305-348-2201
Email: seddy@fiu.edu
Dr. Sarah L. Eddy is an assistant professor in Biology and the STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University. She received a BS in Biological Sciences from Purdue University and a PhD in Zoology at Oregon State University. Sarah completed a postdoctoral scholarship in biology education at the University of Washington. Trained as a behavioral ecologist, Eddy has shifted from studying behavior in a field setting to behavior in college classrooms. Her research focuses on understanding how college instructors can contribute to the goal of equal participation of historically underrepresented groups in science careers, specifically by documenting current disparities in student experiences and working with faculty to deploy classroom interventions to address these. In addition to scholarly publications, Eddy's work has been featured in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Science, and Insight into Diversity.