Eric Dwyer
Associate Professor
Teaching and Learning
Office: ZEB 353
Phone: 305-348-2078
Email: dwyere@fiu.edu
Specialty: TESOL/ Foreign Language Education
Eric Dwyer is a general practitioner with respect to sharing and discussing foreign language education techniques. He has presented in more than 20 countries regarding various issues. He conducts workshops, presentations and research with the following tenets in mind:
- Creativity of both student and teacher
- Art, music and physical movement promoting literacy
- Community-based construction of philosophies
- Students as a collective often smarter than teacher
- Reflection and revision
- Culture of student first and then the culture of target language
- Global perspective, but respect for home culture and first language
- Intrinsic motivation, exhilaration, dynamism, risk-taking
- Student-generated discovery and evaluation
Research Areas
- Bilingualism
- Literacy
- Language Policy