Ian Dryden
Ian Dryden is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Florida International University in Miami and has taught and carried out research at the University of Nottingham, University of South Carolina, University of Leeds and University of Chicago. He has 35 years research experience, and his main area of study is the development of statistical methodology in highly-structured data analysis, including shapes, images and functional data. He obtained his PhD from the University of Leeds in 1989 and served as head of the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham from 2014-2018.
Professor Dryden has published about 150 articles and his joint book on Statistical Shape Analysis has 5,400 citations (Google Scholar). He has given many invited presentations worldwide and was co-organiser of a year-long program on the analysis of object data at SAMSI, North Carolina. He has been PI/Co-I of more than $20M in grants from EPSRC, BBSRC, NERC, NSF, Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society and Innovate UK. He is an elected fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and was awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2012-2017).