Maria C. Donoso
Southeast Environmental Research Center
Office: AC1 267
Phone: 305-919-4115
Email: maria.donoso1@fiu.edu
Maria Concepcion Donoso is presently coordinating the International Programs for the Institute of Environment at Florida International University (FIU).
Research Areas
Dr. Donoso's research and professional interests are in integrated water resources management, air-sea-land interaction processes, and in climate change and variability impacts on the natural environment (with main interest in water resources) and society.
Dr. Donoso has a BS and an MS in Civil engineering from the People's Friendship University (Moscow, Russia) and an MS in Ocean Engineering from University of Miami (Miami, Fl., USA). She has pursued doctoral (PhD) studies at the Rosenstiel School of Miami and at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education. Dr. Donoso has a Doctor Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) from the Universidad Federico Villarreal (Lima, Peru).