Bryan Dewsbury
Dr. Dewsbury is the principal investigator of the Science Education and Society research program, which focuses on the social context of teaching and learning in a variety of education contexts.
Research Areas
- Education
- Science Education
- Curriculum Design
Selected Publications
- Eaton, C, Dewsbury, B and K Cangialosi. 2021. RIOS Institute. In. Practices and Policies: Advocating for Students of Color in Mathematics Paperback. Editors P. E. Harris and A. Winger
- Dewsbury, B.M. and Z. Mermin. 2021. Student perceptions of the institutional response to an untimely COVID-driven semester disruption. International Journal of Learning and Teaching. Vol 7 (2) pp. 166-174, doi: 10.18178/ijlt.7.2.166-174
- Shahid, M, Weiss, N, Stoner, G and B. Dewsbury. 2021. Asian Americans’ Mental Health Help-Seeking Attitudes: The Relative and Unique Roles of Cultural Values and ethnic Identity. Asian-American Journal of Psychology
- Dewsbury, B. 2020. Lesson from the chaos. Plant Science Bulletin. PSB 66(3)
- Dewsbury, B. and Seidel, S., 2020. Reflections and Actions for Creating an Inclusive Research Environment. Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques, 21(1), p.e43.
- MacDonald L, Dewsbury B, Marcette J. 2020. The timeliness of inclusion efforts in biology education. J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ. 21(1): doi:10.1128/jmbe.v21i1.2123
- Dewsbury B. 2020. A chance at birth: an academic development activity to promote deep reflection on social inequities . J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ. 21(1): doi:10.1128/jmbe.v21i1.2037
- Canfield, K.N., Menezes, S., Matsuda, S.B., Moore, A., Mosley Austin, A.N., Dewsbury, B.M., Feliú-Mójer, M.I., McDuffie, K.W., Moore, K., Reich, C.A. and Smith, H.M., 2020. Science communication demands a critical approach that centers inclusion, equity, and intersectionality. Frontiers in Communication, 5, p.2.
- Dewsbury, B. 2020. A Worthy Burden: Reflections on the Journey of a STEM Professor of Color in Higher Education. In S. Brand, & L. Ciccomascolo (Eds.), Social Justice and Putting Theory Into Practice in Schools and Communities (pp. 29-43). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9434-5 ch 003
- Dewsbury, B.M., Taylor, C, Reid, A and C. Viamonte. 2019. Career choice among first-generation, minority STEM college students. J Micro Bio Ed 20 (3)
- Dewsbury, B.M. and C. Braeme. 2019. Inclusive Teaching. CBE-LSE Vol 18(2)
- Taylor, C. and Dewsbury, B., 2019. Barriers to inclusive deliberation and democratic governance of genetic technologies at the science-policy interface. Journal of Science Communication, 18(3), p.Y02.
- Dewsbury, B.M. 2019. Deep Teaching - A conceptual model for inclusive approaches to higher education STEM pedagogy. Cultural Studies in Science Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-018-9891-z, 23 pgs