Lauryn DeGreeff-Silk
Associate Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Office: AHC1 249
Phone: 305-348-4047
Email: ldegreef@fiu.edu
Dr. DeGreeff carries out research in the area of volatiles sampling and analysis as it relates to vapor detection by canine and instruments. She takes a chemistry-based approach to studying olfaction for the purpose of informing field vapor sampling practices. Her research focuses on trace vapor sampling, characterization, and generation.
Research Areas
- Vapor transport of volatile compounds from buried Improvised Explosives Devices (IEDs)
- Quantitative estimation of the canine olfactory limit of detection using a trace vapor generator
- Characterization of the vapor profile of fentanyl for the purpose of the development of field detection methods
- Estimation of storage and usage-life times of canine training aids for explosives and other substances
- Headspace analysis of fresh and weathered crude oils and determination of the active odorants for canine detection of crude oil
- Development of a cross-contamination indicator for co-housed or improperly stored canine training materials
- PhD, Florida International University, Forensic Chemistry
- BS, Chapman University, Chemistry
- BA, New York University, Anthropology