Anthony Paul DeCaprio
Associate Professor; Director of the Forensic and Analytical Toxicology Facility (FATF); Director of the Forensic Science Certificate Program
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Office: OE 116B
Phone: 305-348-2195; 305-348-2611
Email: adecapr@fiu.edu
Research Areas
Dr. DeCaprio's areas of research interest include the use of biomonitoring and biomarkers in forensic toxicology and human exposure assessment, methods for ultra-trace analysis of drugs, pollutants, and their metabolites, and investigation of protein adducts as exposure/risk biomarkers and as mediators of the mechanism of toxicity of pollutants and drugs.
- B.S. Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Ph.D. Toxicology, Albany Medical College