Jillian M. D'Alessio
Liberal Studies
Office: AC1 300
Phone: 305-348-2865
Email: jdalessi@fiu.edu
Specialty: Philosophy
Jillian D'Alessio is an instructor in the Department of Philosophy. She has more than eight years of teaching experience at both the secondary and postsecondary level. She has taught Biomedical Ethics, Logic, Medical Sociology, Death and Dying, and Women's Studies as well as intro courses for both philosophy and sociology.
Prior to working at FIU, Jillian was living in Hawai'i working as an instructor at both SEEQS: the School for Examining Essential Questions of Sustainability, as well as the "ĀINA In Schools program," a farm-to-school initiative promoting agricultural literacy and empowering children to make healthy food choices that will last a lifetime.
Jillian earned a BA in Philosophy here at FIU followed by the Accelerated 4+1 Master of Arts in Liberal Studies. Her graduate coursework enabled her to see the interconnectedness of all areas of academia and understand the urgency of cross-disciplinary dialogue in our globalized world.