Dan Bentley-Baker
Office: DM 460B
Phone: 305-348-6391, 786-553-1465
Teaching Philosophy
University teaching is guided learning. The instructor's role is a mentorship to whatever degree the circumstances will allow. Teaching is confluent; we learn together. She teaches best what she desires most to learn. Thus, an instructor's drive to expand and grow, and whatever energy and excitement they bring to the exploration, is key to the student's experience. Luckily, my Department, College, and University encourage innovation and constant renewal.
Teaching is a moral endeavor. It is my duty and calling to give my best to my students, as a class and as individuals. Their lives will be deeply affected by our time together. My authentic involvement in cognitive, affective, and existential learning is my promise and professional commitment.
Every day should be all these things and fun. It doesn't always work; but on a good day, we all know it, and smile.
Service on the University level includes working since 2008 on the SACS Quality Enhancement Plan with Drs. Landorf and Doscher, et. al. This year, I serve as elected Alternate Senator on the Faculty Senate. For the English Department, committees including search and recruitment, assessment, major revision, and gateway courses have been my opportunities to serve. Between 2009-2013, I was the Department Academic Advisor or Co-advisor.
Pioneering in Online, Hybrid, Large Class, and Global Learning curriculum has been part of my service effort.
Research Areas
Research consists of a few published papers, speeches, panels, and creative works. My work has spread over editing for other publications as well as writing and publishing fiction of my own in the Science Fiction and Speculative genre.