Megan Hare
Graduate Student
Program: Clinical Science
Keywords: Emotion regulation, epigenetics, comorbidity, parenting
Research Areas
Megan is a doctoral student in the Clinical Science program at Florida International University (FIU) and a member of the Child and Family Well-Being Lab. Broadly, Megan is interested in examining parent and child factors influencing disease progression and response to treatment using a transdiagnostic approach. Specifically, she is interested in 1) focusing on parent psychopathology and parent-child interactions, 2) understanding the malleability of biomarkers following intervention, and 3) the biological underpinnings of emotion regulation.
Selected Publications
Hare, M., Garcia, A., Hart, K., & Graziano, P. (2021). Intervention response among preschoolers with ADHD: The role of emotion understanding. Journal of School Psychology.
Hare, M., & Graziano, P. (2020). The interaction of temperament and parenting in preschoolers with ADHD. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.
Hare, M., Kroll-Desrosiers A., & Deligiannidis, K. (2020). Peripartum depression: Does risk versus diagnostic status impact mother-infant bonding and perceived social support?. Journal of Depression and Anxiety.
Hare, M., & Graziano, P. (2020). Cost-effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy: Examining intensive and group formats. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
Graziano, P., Ros, R., & Hare, M. (2020). Condensing parent training: A randomized trial comparing the efficacy of a briefer more intensive version of parent-child interaction therapy (I-PCIT). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Duan, C., Hare, M., Staring, M., & Deligiannidis, K. (2019). Examining the relationship between perinatal depression and neurodevelopment in infants and children through structural and functional neuroimaging research. International Review of Psychiatry.
Book Chapters
Hare, M., Duan, C., & Deligiannidis, K. (2020). Functional MRI biomarkers of peripartum psychiatric disorders. In Biomarkers of Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders (pp. 181-205). Academic Press.
- FIU Clinical Science PhD Program. Mentor: Dr. Elisa Trucco
- MS, Clinical Science, Florida International University
- MA, Clinical Psychology, Hofstra University
- BS, Psychology, University of Central Florida