Mary Hagan
Graduate Student
Email: mhaga009@fiu.edu
Program: Clinical Science
Keywords: Child and Adolescent Physical and Mental Health, Disability and Accessibility, Parent-Child Interactions, Social-Emotional Learning, Community Partnerships, Dissemination and Implementation Science
Research Areas
Mary Hagan is a doctoral student in the Clinical Science Program in Child and Adolescent Psychology. Under the mentorship of Dr. Stacy Frazier, she hopes to better understand after-school program providers' motivations and attitudes related to working with youth. Additionally, she is interested in supporting after-school program providers workingwithchildren with special physical and mental health needs.Publications
Gillenson, C.J., Valente, M.J., Hagan M.B., Cafatti Mac-Niven, A., Bagner, D.M. (2022). Impact of a Brief Parenting Intervention on Parent and Infant Imitation. (Manuscript Under Review).
Hagan, M. B.,Conroy, K., Comer, J. S., Bagner, D. M. (2022).Educational opportunity and language outcomes in young children with developmental delay: The role of positive parenting. (Manuscript Under Review).
Conroy, K., Frech, N., Sanchez, A.L., Hagan, M. B., Bagner, D. M., Comer, J. S. (2021). Caregiver Stress and Cultural Identity in Families of Preschoolers with Developmental Delay and Behavioral Problems. Infant Mental Health Journal.
Griffith, S.F., Hagan, M.B., Heymann, P., Heflin, B.H., & Bagner, D.M. (2020). Apps as learning tools: A systematic review. Pediatrics, 145(1).
Griffith, S. F., Hagan, M. B., Hart, K. C., & Bagner, D. M. (2021, April). Managing screen time for children with externalizingbehavior: Low-income parents’ experiences in a pilot intervention. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting.
Marousis N.C., Hagan M.B., Balistreri K., Kelleher J., Gerhardt C., Yeates K.O., Delaney B., Patenaude A.F., Barrera M., Vannatta K., (2020, March). Peer relationship difficulties for pediatric brain tumor survivors: Associations with nonverbal cue detection and emotion interpretation. Poster presentation at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference, Dallas, TX.
Melfi, E., Hummer, P., Salley, C.G., Kelleher, J., Hagan, M.B., Gerhardt, C.A., Yeates, K.O., Delaney, B., Patenaude, A.F., Barrera, M., & Vannatta, K. (2019, September). Social-affective abilities linked to peer relationship difficulties in children treated for brain tumors: Evidence of deficits that differentially impact female survivors. Abstract submitted to International Psycho-Oncology Society, Banff, AB.
Balistreri, K., Ach, E.A., Hagan, M.B., Kelleher, J., Gerhardt, C. A., Kupst, M.J., Patenaude, A. F., Barrera, M., & Vannatta, K. (2018, April). Distress and burden in parents of pediatric brain tumors survivors: The role of treatment intensity and medical late effects. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Kelleher, J., Hagan, M.B., Balistreri, K., Barrera, M., Gerhardt, C. A., Kupst, M. J., Patenaude, A. F., & Vannatta, K. (2018, April). Quality of life in pediatric brain tumor survivors: Role of specific and cumulative medical late effects. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Balistreri, K., Monti, J. D., Hagan, M.B., Gerhardt, C. A., Patenaude, A. F., Barrera, M., & Vannatta, K. (2017, March). Emotional adjustment in pediatric brain tumor survivors: The role of medical late effects and family environment. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Portland, OR.
Hagan, M.B., Monti, J. D., Balistreri, K., Gerhardt, C. A., Barrera, M., Patenaude, A. F., & Vannatta, K. (2017, March). The roles of peer acceptance and victimization on academic achievement in pediatric brain tumor survivors. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Portland, OR.
Hagan, M.B., Wilbourn, M.P., Szkudlarek, E., & Brannon, E.M. (2016, April). Mad about Max’s Math: Training preschoolers’ approximate number system. Poster presented at Duke University’s Visible Thinking Presentation, Durham, NC.
- FIU Clinical Science PhD Program. Mentor: Dr. Bagner
- BA in Psychology, Duke University