In Memoriam


William E. Pelham, Jr. 

Dr. Pelham's pivotal role in establishing and nurturing the FIU Clinical Science Program cannot be overstated. His dedication laid the foundation for its creation and subsequent success. Furthermore, as the founder of the Center for Children and Families (CCF), a world-class clinical research center, Dr. Pelham provided a crucial platform for our clinical science students to receive unparalleled training and mentorship.
At the core of Dr. Pelham's mission was the cultivation of the next generation of mental health professionals. His vision for the CCF was both profound and ambitious: to advance children's mental health through a triad of research, clinical care, and education. Throughout his leadership tenure from 2010 to 2023, the CCF flourished under his guidance, evolving into a premier child mental health clinical research center esteemed as one of the largest in the country.
The impact of Dr. Pelham's nearly five-decade career extends far beyond mere measurement; its echoes resonate among children throughout Miami-Dade County and across the globe. The legacy of his commitment to training, mentoring, and research will continue to shape the landscape of children's mental health for generations to come, ensuring a lasting positive influence on the lives of countless individuals.