Nina Dours
Email: ndour002@fiu.edu
Website: https://ninadours.my.canva.site
Linkedin: Nina Dours
Nina graduated in 2021 from Chapman University with a B.A in psychology and a B.F.A in screenwriting. As an undergraduate, she investigated diverse relationships at the ONWARD Lab with Dr. Amy Moors. From there, she pursued a Master’s degree in applied social psychology at Claremont Graduate University where she continued to build her toolset of research and analytics skills. In terms of her research interest, she hopes to use a feminist research lens to understand the influence of gender, sexuality, and monogamy within intimate relationships. Nina will be joining Dr. Asia Eaton’s PWR lab in the fall as a CASE Dean’s Distinguished Doctorate fellow. She is excited to utilize the ASCP program and its values to bridge the gap between research and social justice impact, both locally and abroad.