Your first trek through the stars
The Stocker AstroScience Center's research telescope gives stunning views of stars clusters, galaxies, planets, moons and more. Take a guided journey through celestial images and find more ways to explore the cosmos.
Discover the Solstice ‘Great Conjunction’
On the longest night of 2020, there will be something in the sky that hasn’t been seen since March 4, 1226. The conjunction of two planets – Saturn and Jupiter – will be visible for the first time in nearly 800 years.
At roughly 23 million light years from Earth, the Whirlpool Galaxy is one of the most visible galaxies because it is so close. With good observing conditions, it can be seen with binoculars.
Discover the Mercury and Venus Conjunction
Planets are constantly changing location in the sky due to their orbit around the sun. Certain planets sometimes appear in the evening sky and sometimes in the morning sky. This well-understood and predictable yearly dance has been observed for centuries.